Janne Laurila (office building)

Tuissi and Kalle from The Rollstons

photo #1 by Ilkka Valpasvuo
Photo #2 by Bubi Tuomala

A word of warning. This section seem to contain some personal mumbo jumbo that isn't interesting to anyone. The important info about the updates is in the very beginning of each entry. You may and it's probably advicable to skip the rest.

MAY 2009

This is where the action is:

Take care

FEBRUARY 6, 2009

3 am

Best of 2008 lists updated (top 3 little records and top 5 retro)

I recently subscribed Shindig! magazine and I can fully recommend it to everyone who is interested in 60's and 70's rock / garage / powerpop / psych etc. How could you not love a magazine that has Flamin' Groovies on the cover?

Shindig! Website

That's all for now.

Take care

JANUARY 30, 2009

3 am

News updated

Time flies fast, but I hope can get my act back together now. Eventhough it seems that I don't have too much passion for this website at this given moment. But the situation should improve, because if this upcoming release schedule doesn't get me excited, I'm definitely the wrong man for this job. There's new full lenghts coming up from Samae Koskinen, Cats On Fire, Burning Hearts, The Rollstons, Wojciech..

Lately I've been mostly listening to Liam Finn's I'll Be The Lightning. I'm totally addicted to it and I think it would have made my top 3 in my albums of the year list If I hadn't already written it. Okay, it was a 2007 release in Australia and New Zealand, but because it was released elsewhere in 2008 it would have been eligible. Better To Be, Second Chance and Gather To Chapel is one hell of a trio of songs to start an album with it. This guy is a pop genius.

That's all for now.

Take care

DECEMBER 21, 2008

4 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

Album list ready. Song list, little discs list and retro list coming up after the christmas period.

Happy holidays and merry christmas!

Take care

DECEMBER 20, 2008

4 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

Albums 28-34 added to the album lists. More tomorrow night.

I try to complete the album list tomorrow. If I can't, than it probably has to wait until christmas is over. It's hard to complete the list though. Six places left and still almost sixty 2008 albums left to choose from. Ok, maybe only 15 real candidates, but it's still do damn difficult.

Take care

DECEMBER 19, 2008

4 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

Albums 22-27 added to the album lists. More tomorrow night.

This thing seem to take a lot of time, so I'm not sure do I manage to do anything else before christmas.

I did buy Fatboy's new album and I like it. The only question is should I add it to the list and if so what would be a correct place.

Take care

DECEMBER 18, 2008

3.30 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

Albums 16-21 added to the album lists. More tomorrow night.

Or should I hold on and go and buy Fatboy's album before adding any more albums. I bought the older one yesterday from 8raita and it sounds wonderful to me. Maybe I should go and buy the new one asap.

Take care

DECEMBER 17, 2008

3.30 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

Albums 11-15 added to the album lists..and some songs too. More tomorrow night.

Take care

DECEMBER 16, 2008

3 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

#8, #9 and #10 added to the album list. More tomorrow night.

Take care

DECEMBER 15, 2008

9 pm

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

#7 added to the album list. A few more during the nighttime.

Take care

DECEMBER 15, 2008

4 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

Added three albums and a bunch of songs. More tomorrow night.

Take care

DECEMBER 14, 2008

4 am

Best of the year 2008 lists updated

Just added albums #2 and #3 and a couple of songs. More tomorrow night.

Take care

DECEMBER 13, 2008

3 am

Best of the year 2008 lists added

This putkiremontti is finally almost over and I'm back in Turku for more than just a couple of days. Still no toilet or shower available, but hopefully these wonderful things are back in the game early next week. Anyway, the goal is to start updating again and do some bits and pieces before christmas kicks in. Some reviews and some news gathered up from the past month or two should follow next week, but now I just started with the end of the year lists.

This time I'll do this the other way and announce the album of the year tonight and add more albums later on. I know it's a bit of an anticlimax to do it in this order. But I can't do a countdown because the places 12 to 40 is still a mystery to me as well. So I start from the album of the year and one day hopefully reach 40. Goal is to get it done before christmas, so you can expect more than 1 album to be added every day (Ok, it might 1 on one day and 4 on the other, but you'll get the point).'s albums and songs of the year lists

That's all for now. More picks tomorrow night.

Take care

OCTOBER 16, 2008

2 am

Reviews updated (Sera Cahoone, Neil Halstead)

Only two reviews tonight. Sorry I'm really tired. But don't worry, I will review all my 2008 releases this way eventhough these so called "reviews" are now even weaker and less informative than before because I don't spend much time writing them. I don't know are these better than nothing but I hope so.

Ok, that's it for now. Maybe a few reviews tomorrow, I'm not 100% sure. There will be a longer break coming up starting now or tomorrow, but when I return I should have loads of reviews done & dusted. Including bunch of Jim Basnight albums that are way overdue. I got into writing these 2008 reviews and so I've been neglecting that bigger project. Shame on me, but at least now I've been doing something.

Take care

OCTOBER 15, 2008

3 am

Reviews updated (Gary Louris, Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan, Ben Weaver)

That's tonight's reviews. Sorry only three this time. I wanna sleep a bit more now.

Take care

OCTOBER 14, 2008

3 am

News updated (Artisokka, Egotrippi, The Soft Rabbit)

Reviews updated (The Quarter After, The Gutter Twins, Astrid Swan, The Black Crowes, Death Cab For Cutie)

That's it for tonight. Hopefully more tomorrow night.

Take care

OCTOBER 13, 2008

2 am

Reviews updated (Drive-By Truckers, Fleet Foxes, Hayes Carll, Mudcrutch)

Another set of reviews. Again just country or folk albums. Should I change that title to finnish country site.

More reviews to come during the week. Oh and the links are still not there, but you knew that without saying.

Take care

OCTOBER 11, 2008

4 am

Reviews again (Felice Brothers, Hundred Million Martians, Danny & The Champions Of The World, Dropkick, Daniel Wylie)

And I didn't bother to add the links. Someday I will. Probably.

That's it for now. Tomorrow's a busier sport day and I have to support JJK, JYP and Finland, so probably not as much as time for this. Especially because I have to get up early on sunday morning and can't stay up until 4 am. The plan still is to keep on writing, but the next patch might not arrive until sunday or monday night. We'll see.

Take care

OCTOBER 10, 2008

4 am

Tonight's set of reviews (Boomhauer, Brent Cash, Tindersticks, Tyler Ramsey, Robert Forster)

I still haven't added those links. I'll do that eventually. Eventhough it's really boring...

More reviews tomorrow probably. I think I still have something like 30 records left to review. Busy times ahead, if I try to do them all.


Take care

OCTOBER 9, 2008

4 am

Reviews updated (The Draytones, Ally Kerr, Johnny Flynn, Dutchess and The Duke, Bonnie Prince Billy).

That's tonight's set of reviews. The links don't work yet. I'll add them tomorrow, but now I want to go to sleep.

More reviews maybe tomorrow night, maybe some other night. Some reviews of finnish albums will be coming up during this week as well.

That's all folks

Take care

OCTOBER 8, 2008

2 am

Reviews updated (Justin Rutledge, Ken Stringfellow, Mando Saenz, The Summer Suns)

Okay, it seems I'm not doing these in any order. Just going with the flow and quickly reviewing what ever I feel like listening to at that moment. Oh, and I should have closed this website today but I didn't. I try to write as much as I can within a week and after that I don't have a clue. There's a putkiremontti starting at this building next week and it might make living a nightmare and probably kills this sudden burst of action. Well it probably wouldn't last long anyway, so no harm done.

But this week I try to write a lot more of these short reviews including those Jim Basnight albums. I don't know will these short reviews do anyone any good. Probably not, but at least I've done something to keep this site alive.

Oh and eventhough it's extremely unlikely that anyone a) reads this website anymore b) could help with this subject it still doesn't hurt to try. So if you or someone you know live in the Turku area and want to rent a small flat for the time period of 25.10-21.12 give me or my girlfriend a shout and we turn it into a new headquarters. (shorter period, like november or something is also okay, because we can live here. It will just be extremely inconvenient, because water is quite an useful element if you start to think about it).

That's all for now.

Take care

OCTOBER 7, 2008

3 am

Reviews updated (Langhorne Slim, The Avett Brothers, The Explorers Club, Justin Townes Earle)

That's four more. Only something like 49 to go. Eventhough it looks I have to shut this down tomorrow.

That's it for tonight.

Take care

OCTOBER 6, 2008

2 pm

Reviews updated (Old Crow Medicine Show, Matthew Sweet)

That's it for now.

Take care

OCTOBER 6, 2008

3.30 am

Reviews updated (six new reviews)

Okay, these new reviews are extremely short and very hasty. It would probably be better not to write them at all, If I don't do them properly. Still I thought I hastily go through even some of the records I've loved the most during the year so far. That's six done tonight and only about 55 2008 released albums left to review. But if I could do about 10-15 best of them with this new pointless method that would be enough. But first I need to write about those excellent Jim Basnight records in two days or I need to shut down the website. This all probably means that the next update will happen in december or something. Me sucks.

The Soft Rabbit on the other hand is still absolutely wonderful. Check out his new demo song on his myspace.

The Soft Rabbit at myspace

Take care

OCTOBER 1, 2008

1 am

News updated (Jolly Jumpers, Eadweard Muybridge)

Nothing more tonight. Have to sleep, because they are trying to make a truck driver out of me (not gonna happen) and therefore I have to wake up early and go to listen what they have to say. I try to get back to that update I mentioned later this week if I can shake of this minor flu. If I won't get that Jim Basnight thing I've promised to do ready within a week, I will destroy this whole damn site. I just hate myself, because I don't get anything done. It's just so disgraceful and disrespectful that I don't manage to keep my promises.

Greatest album yesterday and today:

Old Crow Medicine Show: Tennessee Pusher

Hello Saferide rules as well. Tomorrow new Jolly Jumpers, Lambchop and Ben Folds albums. Maybe I leave Ben Folds for later and just buy the other two for now.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 19, 2008

3 am

News updated (Dirty Fingernails, Janne Laurila, The Everglades)

Hello Saferide's new album will be out next week and I'm excited about that one. I loved the first album and I'm also totally addicted to her new music video Anna. I've watched it something like 40 times and I love it so much eventhough it breaks my heart every freakin time. Watch it yourself on her website.

Hello Saferide website

Next update during the last few days of september. Either on monday 29th or tuesday 30th september. Hopefully it will be a slightly bigger update this time, but I really don't know yet.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 14, 2008

Links updated

A Pleasant Dream added to the links. It's a new blog about nordic pop music. You'll find it here.

Don't know will that 1 update be available before last week of september, because there's so many hockey games coming up. We'll see.

That's all for now.

Take care


3 am

News updated (FOTM + other news)

So it looks like it was closer to two months then. I don't know will it get much better in the upcoming months, but there's still a part of me that wants to keep writing. Too bad that part has been on the losing side for the last few years, but who knows. At least I've promised to do something within a couple of weeks. So there will definitely be 1 update in mid-september.

Oh and I've been totally into Langhorne Slim and his latest album is the album of the year so far.

Take care

JULY 7, 2008

4 am

Reviews updated (Chatham County Line)

I know. I don't believe it myself either. I wrote a review. Not a great one, but I'll take anything I manage to do. It was even quite fun after a long break and I think it turn out to be half decent. At least I've written several worse than that one. I still wouldn't get your hopes up. I don't know will the next review be up on the site in 2 days or 2 months. We'll see.

Currently in love with:

Sloan: Parellel Play
Great record with several killer songs. Highly recommended.

Other great things:

Jean-Luc Godard box set
19.90€ at stockman. And I almost bought it for something like 60 euros six months ago. A great price for 10 movies. Only problem is that I probably never have the time to watch the movies. Well I suppose I never have the time to listen the records I buy either so no worries there...

Oh and the movie Once was pretty good. In fact it was great.

That's all for now.


Take care

JUNE 23, 2008

4 am

News updated (lots of stuff)

Recently I've been supporting Russia. Starting from the game against Greece, they've been my favourite and they've certainly played some fantastic football. I hope they win the whole tournament.. and after that become rubbish, because I certainly won't support them when the qualifiers begin in the fall. Oh and Euro 2008 has been really great so far. Well apart from tonight's Spain-Italy maybe, but thankfully Italy is out now.

That's all for now

Take care

JUNE 14, 2008

2 am

It's been a while since the last update. I'm not sure will it get any better now, because neglecting has not felt that bad. It's actually been quite a relief. I get so easily stressed and therefore it's been a good thing that for a while I didn't need to be stressed about the progress of this tiny website. Nevertheless, I think I might slowly start doing some minor things. For example write some sort of news entry that sums up what has been going in finnish pop music during the last few months. I plan to do that sometime next week. After that I'm not so sure. I hope I've learned not to stress about this and can just write reviews etc whenever I feel like it. After all, I do love writing those pointless emotion-filled reviews from time to time and it would be a shame to complete abandon the website. has given so much to me and certainly is the only thing I'm somewhat proud of (eventhough my low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence are doing their best to make me forget it). I did pay the domain bill, so one way or another this will live at least until the end of may 2009. Hopefully there will be a few updates before that..

..oh and I still wouldn't send any promos. I don't think it's worth it at the moment, because I can't promise that I will review them. I'm more than happy to buy the albums I want (basicly if your band or your label's band is listed in the band section, you don't need to send a promo, I'm happy to buy the album). Of course if you want me to hear something that is not in the shops (or it's something that I wouldn't normally buy), you may send a promo. However, I still don't promise to review it or write about it.

A quick list of things that I've loved during the months I haven't updated:

1. The Soft Rabbit at pikku-torre
- about the best concert ever, eventhough he only played six songs

2. Goodnight Monsters: Summer Challenge
- truly stunning second album. One of the albums of the year so far

3. Bonnie "Prince" Billy: Lie Down in The Light
- Wonderful. I really love it. His best album I've heard (well I only own three others, I See A Darkness, Superwolf and Sings Greatest Palace Music)

4. Justin Rutledge: Man Descending
- A wonderful third album from this canadian folk/country troubadour

5. Chatham County Line: IV
- The Carolian is one of the songs of the year. A great album as well

6. Tindersticks: Hungry Saw
- More than welcome comeback

7. Robert Forster: The Evangelist
- Thankfully he continued making music and wrote a marvellous album.

8. James Taylor

9. Tom Petty

10. Steve Earle

Probably forgot something obvious, because it's been such a long time since the last update, but at least those have been important.

That's all for now. I hope to come back sometime next week with that news update that somehow sums up what has happened during last months in finnish pop music.

Take care

MARCH 27, 2008

00.15 am

News updated (Hundred Million Martians)

Wohoo! An update and even an important one. Still I wouldn't get my hopes up. I have no plans for future updates. I still believe that I won't let this completely die (eventhough I perhaps should), but at the moment I don't really know when I start writing these things again. It might take a week or a month or 3 months. I don't have a clue. Let's just say that at the moment I don't think it's worth it to send me promos (if it ever has been). If you still do, I try to review them eventually but that might take a really really long time..

Still totally in love with music though and I spend all my savings on records. Lately the biggest obsession have been Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young + their solos and other projects. Singing just doesn't get much better than that. Harmonies have always been my thing and perhaps therefore 70's country rock, folk rock and even soft rock seem like the best thing there is. Oh and today I bought the 2CD Everly Brothers definite collection. Only had the Roots album before and I've been meaning to get more for ages. Damn gorgeous material. Yeah and eventhough it's a bit different Kris Kristofferson's debut album also sounds bloody good to me. Perhaps I need to start a country website when I start writing about music.

That's all for now. Next update hopefully within a couple of days.. no just kiddin'.. hopefully within a couple of months sounds more accurate.

Take care

FEBRUARY 29, 2008

2 am

News updated (Astrid Swan)

Nothing else. This wednesday thing hasn't been working well, but I won't abandon the idea yet. At least I now know what I will do until may, so I don't need to be stressed about that anymore. However, I'm fairly confident I can come up with other things I can be stressed about. That's one thing I'm really good at..

That's all for now.

Take care

FEBRUARY 25, 2008

2.30 am

News updated (Daisy, Marcus Granfors)

Astrid Swan's album and Tero-Petri's album will be released this week. More about those later.

Not so surprising that I didn't manage to write that review. Too stressed and busy to figure out what I want to do with my life. Only week and a half left to find real work or place for work practise. These are moments when I wish that I had a) self esteem b) self belief.. and it would also be rather helpful if I wasn't so fucking shy. So if you need a free employee for about three months, feel free to get in touch..haha..

Currently in love with

Daisy: It's About Time
The Avett Brothers (several albums)
Boomhauer: River Run Deep
Mattias Hellberg: S/T
Gary Louris: Vagabonds
Screaming Tribesmen: Anthology

That's all for now.

Take care

FEBRUARY 20, 2008

8.30 pm

Unfortunately this review every wednesday thing already collapsed. Apparently Kolibri Kasino won't be able to play records tonight at Dynamo and therefore yours truly is Chips Pussy's DJ partner tonight at the Rock'n'Roll Highschool.

Therefore I will do this week's review during the weekend.

Take care

FEBRUARY 14, 2008

2 am

Reviews updated (The Avett Brothers)

Okay, so the goal is to add one new review every wednesday. I guess this is literally a thursday day, but I think this will be the time of the day when the weekly review will be up. Sometime between 10 pm and 2 am. Hopefully I manage to get it done a bit earlier in the future. It would be nice to sleep a bit more than 5 and 1/2 hours. This week's review was not so surprisingly The Avett Brothers. Next week's might be Astrid Swan, but I haven't decided it yet. Of course I might do something extra every now and then, but at least I get something done when I force myself to write this weekly review.

Thoughts On Melody is a new finnish blog (written in english though) that mostly concentrates on power pop. It's a very new blog, but it already seems really interesting. So if you are into this greatest music genre there is, you might want to check that out.

Thoughts On Melody Website

That's all for now. Goodnight.

Take care

FEBRUARY 9, 2008

2.30 am

News updated (Boomhauer, Jarkko Ojakangas)

That's all for tonight. Goodnight and..

Take care

FEBRUARY 4, 2008

1 am

Reviews updated (Captain Cougar)

That's all for now. Probably nothing will end up in here during the next few days. Superbowl fucks up my sleeping patterns and it probably takes a couple of days to recover from that..hah

Take care

FEBRUARY 3, 2008

4 am

Reviews updated (Fireflies)

Captain Cougar review is basicly done, but I think I'll read that again tomorrow before posting it. I started to get so tired that I might have made more silly errors than usual. That will be on the website before superbowl starts.

Now it's time to sleep at least until 1 pm, because I'll have to stay awake the following night because of Superbowl. Monday will be a struggle. It's nice to wake up around 8 am, if you go to sleep at 6 am. Well superbowl comes only once a year.

Take care

FEBRUARY 2, 2008

4 am

News updated (Johnny Superhero)

1 or 2 reviews coming up during the weekend. Captain Cougar for sure and maybe something else if I have the time. Starting now I have daytime activities and have even less time than before to make this. Not that I've recently spent the time I've had on this website. Therefore it shouldn't make a huge difference. But to stop this from completely dying I think I'm going to start reviewing 1 album every week. It shouldn't be a big task for me and I might be able to get something done if I have a goal that every wednesday there will be one new review on the website. I think I will start this on 13th of february and after that a new review every wednesday (if I'm at home of course). Obviously if I have time & energy, there might be more reviews coming up on some particular week. One on every wednesday is a minimum goal.

News section stays the same and new entries appear every now and then. I probably don't have the time to update the band section, but if you want a new picture or a better description, you can obviously send your own and I'll make the changes. That doesn't take much time. I will also keep using the forum to spam it full of things I find exciting. Obviously the forum is just a bad joke, because I'm the only one using. But I use it because it's just helluva lot faster to write things there. I think I pretty much abandon the gig calendar, but you can obviously promote your concerts on the guestbook or on the forum.

I believe that is all for now. Back with a review or two sometime before superbowl.

Take care

JANUARY 24, 2008

8 pm

News updated (Astrid Swan, Daisy)

Just breaking the silence with a couple of news entries. I hope I find the motivation and energy to write a review or two before next thursday, because after that I will have a lot less time to make this. No more staying up until 4 am, if I actually have to get up early in the morning. Not that it chances anything, because lately nothing has been going on in here anyway...

Best song in my world right now is She Used To Smile by Drag The River. Apparently their new album just came out, but this is an old song. Therefore I had to start my Drag The River collection with the album Chicken Demo's that had this song eventhough it just seems to be a collection of songs that didn't make their debut album. One has to wonder how good can that album be if She Used To Smile didn't make the cut.

She Used to Smile by Drag The River at myspace

That's all for now,

Take Care

JANUARY 9, 2008

6 pm

Only added a top 10 of old records to the best of the year 2007 lists. These were new addictions to me during 2007.

That's all for now.

Take care

JANUARY 7, 2008

10 pm

Best of the year 2007 lists updated (best songs and little discs)

I finished those lists as well. I might add a song or two If I forgot something really important. I think I'll definitely add some links and comments about the lists within a few days, but basicly they are ready now.

Here are the best of the year 2007 lists

And that is all for now.

Take care

JANUARY 7, 2008

6.30 pm

Best of the year 2007 list updated

Here is the album list (places 1-40)

Well that list is now ready. I'll probably add some links and some comments later. Best songs and best little discs list coming up within a couple of days.

Take care

JANUARY 6, 2008

9.30 pm

Best of the year 2007 list updated

Here is the album list (places 6-40)

The last five (well actually six) probably sometime on monday.

That's all for now

Take care

JANUARY 6, 2008

4 am

Best of the year 2007 list updated

Here is the album list (places 11-40)

Only top ten to go. I'm not 100% sure do I have the time to finish it on sunday, but I do hope so. If not on sunday than it will be available on monday. And the other lists sometime later next week.

That's all for now. Goodnight and..

Take care

JANUARY 5, 2008

3.30 am

Best of year 2007 list

Well actually there's only the places 30-40 at the moment. I do have whole album list in correct order, but I didn't have the time to write about all of them tonight. Need to sleep as well I think. Therefore I started from the bottom and work my way up. Tomorrow night at least places 20-30. Hopefully even more. I try to get the album list done by sunday. Best songs and best little discs lists probably goes until next week.

Here is the album list (places 30-40)

That's all for now.

Take care

JANUARY 3, 2008

3.30 am

Happy new year!

I spent the holidays with a cat and a dog and they needed more of my attention than Anyway, I'm now back at Turku and the first thing to do is to compile those best of the year 2007 lists. Those will be ready later this week. I've managed to select 36 albums that will definitely be on the top 40 albums list, but the problem is the remaining four spots. I've managed to cut the list of 2007 albums I own from 104 albums to 45 albums and it's been so difficult. And now I still need to find a way to cut five albums. Btw, is some idiot taking this a bit too seriously. I'm starting to think so..

Anyway, that is all for now. I'll be back with the lists later this week. Won't be tomorrow though. Friday night / saturday morning is much more likely. Might even go until sunday. Not that anyone is waiting.

Take care

DECEMBER 20, 2007

2 am

These days before christmas seem to be busy ones. Therefore I think there won't be new reviews before the weekend. But I'll try to write a review or two on saturday and/or sunday. I can't be 100% sure I manage to do that at Keuruu, so it's better to already wish merry christmas and happy new year. It has not been a good year for, but at least it somehow managed to survive. Thanks for visiting even then when absolutely nothing was going on in here. I love you all.

Captain Cougar's album got a really good review at Rumba magazine and they definitely deserve it. I've been listening to it a lot lately and it's definitely a really good album. However, I'm still not convinced that I'm listening to them when the song Life Is Nothing starts. Maybe it's just me, but I keep thinking... That must be Aimee Mann who is singing on it. Not that it bothers me at all. I actually love it and because there's just that one song that might sound a bit like Aimee it shouldn't bother anyone. it's just one of the many great songs on the album.

Captain Cougar at myspace

The Felice Brothers and The Avett Brothers are still the best bands in my world at the moment.

Take care

DECEMBER 17, 2007

3 am

Reviews updated (short The Star Spangles review)

That's all for now. Just quickly going through some of the albums that I haven't reviewed, but which I still love. There are still plenty of discs left that I haven't reviewed, but which will end up on my TOP 40 albums list (coming up in about 2 weeks I think). It's frightening that this year the total number of albums released in 2007 that I own will be more than a hundred. That's just way too many records. Okay, probably about 15 have been promos and lots of them were used, but it's still an incredibly stupid amount of records. Will I ever learn. Probably not.

More reviews later this week.

Take care

DECEMBER 15, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated.. oho.. ei uskois (John McGregor, Ben Weaver)

I thought I should even review some of those records that will be high on my upcoming album of the year list. I don't think that will be ready before christmas. But I don't think it's a surprise if I can already promise top 10 places at least for Avett Brothers, Cats On Fire, Damn Seagulls, John McGregor, Ryan Adams, Weakerthans.. and obviously Michael McDonald if I decide to include him this year as well. I guess I shouldn't reveal more yet. At least those were in alphabetical order, so there's something to wait for. Not that anyone actually waits.

That's all for now. Hopefully more reviews and a bit of news during next week.

Take care

DECEMBER 11, 2007

2 am

News updated (The Props)

I think that's all for tonight. It's time to go to bed and have a nightmare about tomorrow's visit to the dentist. Not a big fan of those.

Take care

DECEMBER 10, 2007

2 am

News updated (Captain Cougar, Boomhauer, Hundred Million Martians, Burning Hearts, Joe Algeri, Nikujaga)

That's about it for now. Hopefully something more will be happen during this week.

Lately I've been totally obsessed with The Avett Brothers. I can listen to their songs twenty times in a row and I don't get bored at all. I'm totally in love. It's pure and emotional music that has a heart that heals you. Same songs can make you smile and cry. Their album Emotionalism is a huge favourite to win the album of the year award here at (okay, If I decide to include Michael McDonald this year as well, there might be some competition).

Perhaps a review or two later in the week. I won't promise it though..

Take care

DECEMBER 4, 2007

2 am

Guess what. No updates. The sad fact is that at the moment the biggest and probably only goal in my life is to make Nottingham Forest win the premier league. Which might not happen for a while eventhough we are currently sitting comfortably on the second place right behind Arsenal in the early stages of the season 2012. Yep. despite some minor flaws in the game, I'm completely addicted to Football manager 2008 and the bloody thing has controlled my life for the last weeks. I try to quit and get back to, but I't ain't easy. Is there a support group for this addiction. Just one more continue, I promise..

But I'm definitely going to do some short news update this week and I do also hope that I can get something decent done here before the christmas. There's only about 30-40 records left to review.. Just a minor task. Well if I'm able to review the ones that matter the most to me, I will be happy.

To add something valuable to to this entry, I'll add the fact that new Boomhauer album will be released in February and you can already listen to two songs from the album on their myspace.

Boomhauer at myspace

Oh and Bridget tomorrow at Dynamo. How wonderful is that. I'm so there.

Take care

NOVEMBER 21, 2007

2.30 am

Just that news update (Samettivallankumous, Koria Kitten Riot)

I did not know that The High Water Marks had a new record out before checking out indiepages tonight. I really liked the debut so I definitely need to order this one asap. Well actually I think I already did order it..

The High Water Marks at myspace

I'm really nervous about the Portugal - Finland match. Honestly, If Finland makes it through, JYP can lose all the games they have left and I would still be happy. It's certainly a really slim chance, but at this stage I just have to believe it can happen. It's just that If both Finland and Serbia wins the heartbreak will be almost unbearable. But even in this case one has to hope for the win, because it would still be a gigantic result.

That's all for now.

Take care

NOVEMBER 19, 2007

2 am

Hi readers (all seven)

It's been a while. I was just bit fed up with music in general and not just with Perhaps I just suffered some kind of music overdoze and for a few weeks I didn't even want to listen to music. It's not that I was depressed or anything. Movies, hockey and football manager 2008 just seemed to be much more touching or entertaining and therefore I drifted my focus towards them. Those will certainly remain in the picture and I'm looking forward to watching the other movies of Louis Malle's DVD box set after really enjoying Au Revoir Les Enfants. However, the love for pop music if certainly back in the frame and I spent the weekend searching for albums I've missed during the past weeks. And it certainly looks like I didn't learn a thing and I'm again buying too much music. I already ordered these:

BMX Bandits: Bee Stings (finally out in uk as well, Japanese import was too expensive)
Saturday Looks Good To Me: Fill Up the Room
The Bank Holidays: As a Film
Tullycraft: Every Scene Needs a Center
The Owls: Daughters and Suns

And I'm afraid I might be just starting out.

Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow at Tavastia on 27th of november and I haven't bought a ticket yet. Scary. Perhaps I should go and stay until 28th so I could see Red Carpet and Bridget as well.

A couple of days ago I finally bought Bruce Springsteen's new album and Samettivallankumous' wonderfully titled debut Täällä mies, kuuleeko nainen?. I like them both.

Anyway, let's stop this craptalk. The only reason for writing was just to break the silence. will return with a couple of news entries during the next few days (Samettivallankumous, Koria Kitten Riot...). I think you might have to wait (not that anyone actually waits) a bit more for reviews and other things. I do want to get to those as well, but it might go until early december or something. And obviously a pointless end of the year list will be here in late december or early january. This is all for now. Back within a day or two.

Take care

OCTOBER 28, 2007

4 am

News updated (Bridget)

Just a quick, but extremely important news update.

Otherwise you shouldn't really wait for updates. Absolutely nothing is happening at the moment. I haven't bought or even listened to records during the last week or two. I've been more into things like these:

Bresson: Pickpocket DVD
Godard: Weekend DVD
Melville: Le Samourai DVD

I know that eventually will get active again, but at the moment I don't know whether it will take a week or a month or even more. Well a news entry or two might appear during the next couple of days, but no need to expect anything more because it just won't happen.

Take care

OCTOBER 16, 2007

2 am

News updated (The Rollstons, Red Carpet)

It's seems awfully quiet in here. Good thing is that nobody cares. It's a battle of who could care less and right now it seems that I'm winning the battle. I haven't done much here for years, but usually I'm extremely stressed about it. At the moment I just don't believe in this at all and therefore I'm blissfully relaxed about the absence of updates. But don't start celebrating the death of onechord yet. might have been slowly dying for a year or two, but it hell won't disappear. At least not now when Bridget has almost finished their extremely long-waited album. Bridget and The Sugarrush were probably the biggest reasons was founded years ago and ever since I've waited for the chance to be able to praise their albums and now both bands are working on full-lenght albums. And I'm as excited about them as I was back then.

The best albums at the moment:

The Weakerthans: Reunion Tour
Michael McDonald: Finally

Eagerly waiting:

New The Pearlfishers album (It's out and available, I just ordered it yesterday)
Samettivallankumous: Täällä mies, Kuuleeko nainen? (album out 31.10. Myspace)

I'm not quite sure when there will be new updates. Several reviews are in the working state, but right now I can't seem to locate the motivation to actually finish them. I hope I find it later this week, but I wouldn't count on it. Some useless craptalk will end up in the forum obviously, but that might be it for a while. If you think I should use the english language there as well, you better shout. I just thought that it really wasn't necessary.

Take care

OCTOBER 1, 2007

3 am

Reviews updated (Michael McDonald)

Only made some minor changes/updates to the earlier Michael McDonald review. I've started working on a couple of new reviews as well and I hope I manage to finish them quite soon.

That's all for tonight.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 26, 2007

2 am

News updated

Back at Turku. Not much to say at this point, but it's definitely a plan to get back to updating later this week. Too bad that I've been such a lazy boy during september. A bad time to be lazy, because now the ones who bothered to come and check out the new bands section think that there's nothing going on in here after that. And they might be right. However, I think a review or two might end up in here later this week.

Currently listening to:

Michael McDonald: Finally
The Fast Camels: The Magic Optician
Future Clouds & Radar: S/T
Ben Weaver: Paper Sky
The Star Spangles: Dirty Bomb
Club 8: The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming
Limbeck: S/T

Take Care

SEPTEMBER 20, 2007

3 am

The website didn't die eventhough it might seem so. The main focus just has been on hockey and searching for a job. I'll try to get back to writing news and reviews before the end of the month. But it won't happen this week because of hockey addiction and a funeral.

Oh. and as you might have realised the only concert calendar will now be located at the forum, because I'm lazy and it's faster to update it there. I've only added a few gigs so far, but I do plan to add plenty more in the not so distant future.

Concert Calendar at the forum

I downloaded these two new Weakerthans songs in mp3 format from the label's website an hour ago and I haven't listened to anything else since then. Just these two on repeat and I'm still not bored to death with them. A wonderful band.

You'll find the songs here

That's all for now.

Take care


2 am

Just a quick news update about Matador Jose's new release.

Take care


4.30 am

News updated (John McGregor, Soft Rabbit, Markus Nordenstreng, Indiaanikesä)
New band section added

Well that's it then. I know it's not very good, but I don't have the skills or the strength to make it any better. So it will have to do. I haven't really tested it with different browsers and resolutions. Therefore it's possible that I need to make some tuning later on, but that shouldn't be too hard. New bands might also appear in the future. I had a few in mind, but didn't have the time to add them all. There's already over 100 groups and even if I spend just 10 minutes on each it still takes a while. As always, feel free to give feedback if you wish. You can send the hatemail to the new forum, to the guestbook or to my mailbox. I changed a lot of photos to new ones. If you want a different photo, send it to me. Also if you are not happy with my terrible descriptions of your band, you can write it yourself and send it to me.

I know there are few things that perhaps should be done, but frankly I don't care. The bands are not all in alphabetical order, artists are alphabetized by their first name, the forum has different colours than the website. The navigation system could be better. There could be some kind of cool front page for the band section etc. But I just don't bother to fix these things.

Eventhough there's only a couple of users in the forum, it seems that it will stay there. It seems that it makes me more active. It's just helluva lot faster to praise some album there for example. I don't need to open this file, write it, save it, open ftp program and upload it to the website. I'm sure I will keep writing stuff to this blog as well, but if you want to find out my current music obsessions, you should visit the forum as well (like someone would actually be interested). And feel free to promote your own concerts there. I might start updating that gigs section again within a week or two, but I don't promise it. And even if I do, I don't know all the concerts there is.

That's all for now. I need some sleep. Eventhough the end result isn't very good, I can be truly happy that I tried my best and can honestly say that I gave at least 30 hours to this project during the last two weeks. That should be enough. If I only had been wiser and spent more time with this project in the summer, it would have been so easy to finish it in time. Deadlines just seem to be the only way to force myself to actually do something. But in the end I was still somehow able to do it. It's such a huge relief and makes my life less stressful.

Take care

AUGUST 19, 2007

3 am

Updates are now going on. Well at least when I'm not watching football. Only watched three matches today. It would have been nice if there had been even one good game though haha. Anyway, there's now this new feature online. It's a forum. At the moment it is kind of a test run. I've thought about doing this for a long time, but I've always thought that dead forums just look stupid on a website and I'm quite sure that there won't be a huge need for this. However, I'm now doing other updates too and I thought I'll give it a go. It doesn't hurt to try and it didn't took much time to make it. If it works out, it might give a little boost to the website as well and if it remains dead I can just remove it after a couple of months. You'll find the link below, if you want to test it. I can't promise that everything will work perfectly, because before yesterday I didn't even know how to make one and I still don't know much more than that. Anyway, you can see it yourself below. This might be your only chance, because within a couple of months that whole forum might be gone. forum

That's all for now. Take care

AUGUST 17, 2007

4.30 am

Reviews updated (The Rollstons, Ben's Diapers)

Now that was a real struggle. To get those reviews done I mean. It took hours and still they are very bad reviews. Well at least I can now fully focus on the band section. So before september 1, there will be only news and blog entries in here. On september 1, there should be a whole new band section...

... I don't think that I believe That even myself. I still need at least 20-30 hours to be able get it done. I'm such a slow writer. Thankfully tonight it feels like it's worth it and that I will have the inspiration to finish it. I just try to make myself believe that there might actually be some concrete help for some band, if the band section stays alive. it's hard to believe it though during these myspace, last fm days. Anyway, I will try and you'll see on september 1 how it went. I think I'll be happy if I get something like 2/3 or 3/4 done before that. Then I think I could "publish" it and add some more bands during september.

That's all for now.

Take care

AUGUST 13, 2007

2.30 am

It seems that the heat and the start of the premier league took the victory and nothing happened here. Well no surprise there. It probably wasn't the only promise I've failed to keep. Well hopefully the reviews will be here sometime this week. After this heatwave perhaps.

While you keep hitting that refresh button, you can listen to The Soft Rabbit on another browser window. I should and probably eventually will write a news entry about this, but quick facts are that The Soft Rabbit is Coma from The Sugarrush and there's three great songs on his myspace.

The Soft Rabbit at myspace

That's it for now. Hopefully back within a few days.

Take care

AUGUST 6, 2007

4.30 am

Reviews updated (Sweeties, Tink)

Ben's Diapers and The Rollstons reviews coming up sometime during the week. Don't know when exactly. That still leaves around twenty 2007 releases that I haven't reviewed. Some of them are really great (like Jesse Malin, Lucky Soul) and might be eventually reviewed, but probably not during august. I'll get back to reviewing in september. But those two I mentioned will definitely be reviewed later this week. One or two more is possible, but highly unlikely. Now it's mostly time to focus on the band section until I get fed up and close the whole website.

But now it's time to sleep.

Take care

AUGUST 5, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (Sister Flo, Aksu, Snow Coloured Kid)

That's all for now. Probably more reviews tomorrow night.

Take care

AUGUST 3, 2007

2 am

It's been slow, because I went to Keuruu for 4-5 days and got back on wednesday. I'll add some reviews later this week (and early next week if I'm lazy during the weekend), but starting next week I will mostly concentrate on the band section. Some news and crap talk entriest might appear, if something interesting happens. But before that about 5-7 reviews should end up on this little website.

I've never really paid much attention to The Coral despite hearing some nice tunes from them a couple of years ago (okay, I did once pick up a cdsingle from Anttila's 1€ bin, but I don't think that counts as paying attention). I might need to change this, because today I ended up listening to their new album Roots and Echoes and it seems to be a brilliant one. It's out on august 6th and you can listen the whole thing on Columbia Records website. Too bad it sounded so good that I needed to listen to the entire album. I planned to do a review or two tonight, but instead I just kept on listening to this beautiful album. I certainly need to order the album, if it sounds as good tomorrow morning when I probably listen to it again.

The Coral album at Columbia Records

Ok. That's it for now. Back with some reviews later this week.

Take care

JULY 26, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (Valley Below, The Bishops)

I still plan to review albums/EPs from Aksu, Ben's Diapers, Snow Coloured Kid, Tink, Rollstons and Sister Flo before I focus on that band section. It might be that it goes until next week before these reviews are here. It's DBTL after all and I'm also not sure what kind of life it is to spend three hours every night writing reviews that nobody reads and then waking up at 1 pm because of it. I need a small break and I shouldn't keep thinking that august will be even worse.

That's all for now. Take care

JULY 25, 2007

4.30 am

Reviews updated (Damn Seagulls, Ferns)

I seemed to have a reviewer's block (a reviewer, where, I haven't seen any. I can only see a reflection of some stupid kid who loves music and spends nights writing totally pointless opinions that nobody reads) and it was a real struggle to get even those two done tonight. If I'll get over it, more reviews to come later this week and next week. Well sometime next week updates will probably dissappear almost completely for a month. Then it's time to make that final push and focus fully on the band section. On september 1 there will be hopefully be a fully updated band section in here. Then again it's also possible that I just don't have the strenght to finish it and I will kill the whole section. I hope it doesn't come to that.

That's all for tonight.

Take care

JULY 24, 2007

3.30 am

Reviews updated (Ryan Adams, Wilco, Trembling Blue Stars)

There will be some finnish reviews coming this week too, if you are expecting them. This will be all for now. Still only about 25-26 2007 releases left to review. I should never stop, because then I'm not able to catch up.

Yesterday noticed that the new Grand Drive album Everyone has been released. Guess what? I'm definitely going to buy that. D'oh. Am I stupid or what. Well I'm not stupid for wanting a record from such a great band, but have all those dozens of 2007 releases have been must-buys...That might be questionable. Is there anonymous record addicts organization.. Oh well. At least I try to wait a week or two for Grand Drive. I think I already have something to listen to at the moment..

That's all for tonight. Back tomorrow night. Probably.

Take care

JULY 23, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (The Broken Family Band)

Just one bad review. More to come later this week.

Lambchop! What a wonderful concert. Certainly the best concert of 2007 so far and Certainly worth the trip. Quite an expensive trip though, because I ended up buying 17 records. Well none of them cost more than 8 euros and seven of them were from Fennica's 2 € bins. Some good stuff there btw. For example Luna's Romantica and Warmer Corners by The Lucksmiths were there but I didn't buy because I have them both (obviously around 97% of those 2€ records were crap). I also had a sudden moment of madness and bought six Rolling Stones albums. I blame the Ronelles getting me all excited about rock music the previous night. But I haven' been dissapointed. I'm loving most of that stuff. Previously I had 0 Rolling Stones albums, now I have Aftermath, Between the Buttons, Beggars Banquet, Exile, Let It Bleed and Sticky Fingers. A decent start I believe, but a guess I still need a few more eventually.

The Bishops cd also arrived and I'm liking it a lot. The beginning of the album is just damn brilliant. Maybe the quality drops a tiny bit in the latter half of the album, but it's a delightful release.

Back tomorrow night. Probably.

Take care

JULY 20, 2007

2 am

Reviews updated (The Ronelles)

That's all for now. Sorry that I didn't managed to do more than that little piece tonight. I was bit too tired and struggled to write anything that makes sense. But 10 reviews in six days. A guess that's a decent start after standing still for months. I try to continue it early next week and review more finnish stuff as well.

Now I'm only focusing on Lambchop. I'm really looking forward to the concert. See ya there.

Take care

JULY 19, 2007

3.30 am

Reviews updated (Sweatmaster, Ilona V, Jason Falkner)

There's another bunch of reviews for your reading pleasure. If anyone actually reads them. All again very praising reviews, because I just try to go through the releases that I've loved the most during the last three months and just keep ignoring the ones I didn't like that much (I'll do them If I have the time, I just prefer writing about albums that I love). I don't think there's more than one five hearts album left though and you'll probably know which one.

That's all for now. I'll probably write a review or two tomorrow night, but not as many as tonight because I can't sleep til noon on friday. I have to catch a train to Helsinki so that I can do some record shopping before the Lambchop concert.

Take care

JULY 18, 2007

3.30 am

Reviews updated (Bergen White, Primary 5, Fountains of Wayne)

That's all for now. I'll try to write more reviews before Lambchop's concert.

Take care

JULY 15, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (The Loose Salute)

Just recently discovered that The Broken Family Band has a new album out called Hello Love. I though it can't be bad and instantly ordered it. The scare of the month is the new Josh Rouse album. Subtitulo was a decent album, but still a huge dissapointment after the wonderful albums 1972 and Nashville. This new album is getting rather worrying reviews too. Some seem to love it though, so perhaps all is not lost. And well I'm sure I will buy it no matter what. It's worth it even if it has just a couple of great Josh Rouse songs.

While being a substitute DJ at rock'n'roll high school (yes I know, me a rock'n'roll DJ, what were they thinking haha, well at least I left most of my twee pop collection home) I heard about The Bishops. After listening their songs for a couple of days at myspace I ordered their album. This is a whole lotta of fun I think.

The Bishops at myspace
The Bishops Website

Lambchop next friday at Tavastia. Kinda sweet...

And favourite album tonight is...

Harpers Bizarre: The Secret Life of Harpers Bizarre

Take care

JULY 14, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (Mark Olson, Dropkick)

I try to go through this review pile that has about 30 2007 releases in the next few weeks and then focus on that band section in august. The goal is still that september 1 and I hope can make it. And don't expect 30 reviews. If I can just quickly go through the records I've loved the most during the last few months, I will be happy.

That's all for now.

Take care

JUNE 28, 2007

2.30 am

There doesn't seem to be much going on in here. And this entry is not an improvement. I just needed to praise Ryan Adams' new album Easy Tiger. It's bloody magnificent as far as I'm concerned. After these first 3-4 listenings rating it anything below five hearts would be a mockery. We'll see if I share the same passion when I review it sometime in the distant future. Right now Easy Tiger seems like the best thing ever.

Recently I've been also enjoying BC Camplight's new album Blink of a Nihilist. It does have a few bad tunes as well, but most of it is really enjoyable. That new Tink EP is also really good and that White Stripes album does contain some damn fine tunes as well. I never thought I would even buy it, but I was at stupido before The Lemonheads concert, the record was playing in the store and it just sounded so freakin' good that I had to buy it. It was certainly a good buy and eventhough I'm still not the biggest fan, It's easy to admit that there's at least 4-5 brilliant songs on the album.

Mark Olson's album haven't yet arrived to my doorstep, but I'm still in love with his myspace songs and have really high hopes for the album. But right now it's time to love Ryan Adams. Maybe he isn't the nicest boy on the planet, but he sure can write wonderful tunes.

Take care

JUNE 12, 2007

3 pm

News updated (Les Yper Sound)

I haven't followed Mark Olson's career very well after he left The Jayhawks. I just own one Creekdippers album (which is a good one though). Anyway, today is the release date of his new solo album Salvation Blues and based on myspace songs (My Carol and Clifton Bridge are both brilliant) I'm definitely going to buy this one. Salvation Blues is produced by Ben Vaughn and it reunites Mark and Gary Louris on three songs.

Mark Olson at myspace

And The Lemonheads live on friday at Tavastia. How sweet is that...

That's all for now.

Take care

JUNE 6, 2007

3 am

News updated (One big holiday, Tink, The Sininen, The Sweeties)

Still very much in love with Bergen White's For Women Only. A perfect record.

New interesting releases are at least BC Camplight's second album and Voxtrot's debut full-length. Oh and I need Jenn Grant's debut.. and double oh.. Candie Payne's record must be a great one too.

Sometimes I'm very slow and it took me this long to buy Wincing The Night Away by The Shins. Seems like a great record definitely and they totally deserve all the success they've had.

Take care

MAY 31, 2007

2.30 am

The best concerts of 2007 so far

1. Laurila at Dynamo, Turku
2. Laurila at Klubi, Turku

The Lemonheads, Lambchop etc might change that list during the summer, but Laurila is just fucking perfect live band nowadays. I can even admit that eventhough Death & Sexuality and Number Down are still my least favorite album tracks, both of them sound freakin' good live.

Currently listening to:

Keren Ann: S/T
Trembling Blue Stars: The Last Holy Writer
Great Lake Swimmers: Ongiara
Love Dance: Result
Roger Nichols & Small Circle Of Friends: S/T
Snow Coloured Kid: S/T -ep
The Clientele: God Save The Clientele
The Postmarks: S/T
Wilco: Sky Blue Sky
Bergen White: For Women Only
The Rollstons: Songs Folk

That's all for now.

Take care

MAY 23, 2007

2.30 am

News updated (The Rollstons, The Scaramangas)

Some release news from abroad as well. California Snow Story's debut album was released by Letterbox records on monday. They did an EP for Shelflife Records some years ago which I really liked, but then they just vanished. Anyway, it's great that they didn't quit and that there's now a full-length album. I certainly need to pick it up during the next few weeks. So far I've only heard that free downloadable single which is a great one. You can get it from the label's site or from the band's myspace. Oh, California Snow Story is a scottish band/duo whose songwriter David Skirving was a founding member of Camera Obscura.

California Snow Story at myspace
Letterbox Records Website

Tonight I found Yeongene and fell in love with her songs. Such a beautiful voice. No wonder BMX Bandits liked her so much that they wanted to work with her. She's from Korea and she is really amazing.

Yeongene at myspace

Take care

MAY 22, 2007

3 am

The progress of this website seem to be incredibly slow. Because of this I made a deal that I will give myself the whole summer to update the band section. The absolute deadline is September 1, 2007. Then it has to be ready. Hopefully even before that, but at the moment it seems highly unlikely. Anyway, this should give me more than enough time and just 2-3 hours of work every week might be enough to get things back on track. Meanwhile I'm not sure should I just delete the current band section, because most of the information is dated and might just harm some bands.

I will be adding news and some reviews during the summer. Starting tomorrow with some release news.

I got the new The Clientele album today and it seems to be another really great record. Current favourite album is probably Wilco's Sky Blue Sky. I suppose it's not their finest album, but it comes very close. Ghost is Born was definitely my least favorite Wilco album so I'm happy with this new direction. What about Fountains of Wayne then. Some seem totally dislike their new album, but I do like the most of it. I must admit that there's a couple of annoying songs that I don't like at all, but there's also a lot of really good pop tunes on the album. Definitely worth buying and Fountains of Wayne is still a wonderful pop group.

I still need to praise Bergen White's album For Women Only . Perfect soft pop masterpiece that was originally released in 1970. Bergen White is apparently most known as a master arranger who has worked with legends like Elvis Presley and Glen Campbell, but this lost solo album should have made him a legend too.

Bergen White at myspace

And obviously the new The Rollstons record entitled Song Folks is a great one. More about that tomorrow in the news section.

That is all for now.

Take care

MAY 11, 2007

3 pm

Gig calendar updated

Ok, probably noone uses it anymore, because I hardly ever update it. It's still badly up-to-date, but these fine shows I found with quick browsing.

I've wanted a good Glen Campbell compilation for a long time. Now I finally bought one and Capitol Years 65/77 is indeed a perfect introduction. 46 songs of pure class. I suppose he did record a lot of crap too, but during his finest hours he certainly was one of the very best. What a voice.

Take care

MAY 9, 2007

3 am

Jason Falkner's new album is out Japan (later this year in rest of the world). I couldn't wait so I ordered it from Japan and I'm now a happy owner of this beautiful album. I wasn't that thrilled about it after first listening, but these two days have proved that it's again a great album. Not many instant pop hits. More like 4-5 minutes long beautiful pop songs. I admit that I'm still struggling with maybe 3-4 songs, but I do love the most of it. Songs like This Time, Stephanie Tells Me, Runaway, Say It's True and the japan only bonus track I Don't Mind are again fantastic pop craftmanship from Mr. Falkner.

Jason Falkner at myspace

I should be doing either the band section or the review section and my answer to this is that I haven't done either. I feel like the worst person in the world because of it. Thankfully I managed to work hour and half with the band section tonight. Still helluva long way to go and who knows will it ever be finished.

Btw. Bergen White's album Only For Women is amazing.

Take care

MAY 8, 2007

2.30 pm

Just some news bits (Aksu, Monsters of Pop)

A great month for music lovers. For example these were already released or will be released during may:

Wilco: Sky Blue Sky
The Clientele: God Save The Clientele
Elliot Smith: New Moon
Great Lake Swimmers: Ongiara
Keren Ann: S/T
Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond
Trembling Blue Stars: The Last Holy Writer
Feist: Reminder
The Rollstons: Song Folks

And I want them all...bugger..

That's it for now.

Take care

MAY 7, 2007

2.30 am

A great weekend. First flavour of the month club on friday. Ben's Diapers turned 10 and it felt damn great to hear the old favourites like Warriorette, Las Vegas and Frankfurt Am Main. They also have a limited edition compilation available and it's obviously excellent. Johnny Superhero had to play without their drummer, so it was a bit hard to tell how great they can be. But I really loved the voice of the lead singer so I better go and see a proper concert on a later date. The DJ of the evening was probably a terrible one. I also run out of records, so I had to play lots of them twice. If I remember correctly I played at least these.

Honeybus: I Remember Caroline
The Choir: It's Cold Outside
Badfinger: No Matter What
Minus 5: Don't Mean It
Corvettes: Beware of Time
Montage: My Love
Ted Leo: Me and Mia
Lucky Soul: Lips are Unhappy / Brittle Heart
Teenage Fanclub: Don't Look Back
The Posies: Sad To Be Aware
Camera Obscura: Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken / Let's Get Out Of This Country
Josh Fields: Sleep So I Can Dream
The Zombies: Kind Of Girl
Big Star: September Gurls
Gin Blossoms: California Suns
Stiv Bators: Make Up Your Mind / Too Much To Dream Last Night
The Byrds: I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better
DM 3: Show You
Daniel Wylie: That Was The Day / Can You Feel The Love?
Primary 5: Off Course / Out In The Cold
Bob Evans: The Friend / Comin' Around
Portastatic: Through With People / White Wave
Whiskeytown: Excuse My While I Break My Own Heart Tonight
Nelson Bragg: Tell Me I'm Wrong
The Ronelles: Bolt The Doors / To See You For The Last Time / She Said No
David Hardman: Corin Can
Locksley: My Kind Of Lover
Dropkick: Wouldn't Hurt To Wait / One Thing / Last To Know
Jesse Malin: Lucinda / Black Haired Girl
Laurila: Solid Ground / Anyone Anywhere
Everly Brothers: Less of Me
Richmond Fontaine: Post To Wire
The Raconteurs: Steady as She Goes
Rhett Miller: Help Me, Suzanne
Calexico: Cruel
Sloan: Another Way I Could Do It / Will I Belong
Nice Man: Fallin in Luv
Michael Shelley: We Invented Love
Jon Auer: Bottom of The Bottle
Sweatmaster: Cut Up In Half
America: Wind Wave
The Pearlfishers: We're Gonna Save The Summer
Paul Williams: Morning I'll Be Moving On
Margo Guryan: Love Songs

And then on saturday it was time for Scarlet's Well and they were just brilliant. I was a little worried that it might be a bit too sophisticated and ambitious for me, but I was so wrong. I loved them a lot.

Current music obsessions:

Lucky Soul: The Great Unwanted
Honeybus: She Flies Like A Bird -The Anthology
Paul Williams: Someday Man
Nice Man: Sauchiehall and Hope (A Pop Opera)

I also like a lot:

Dropkick: Turning Circles
The Ronelles: Motel
Nick Garrie: The Nightmare of J B Stanislas
Nelson Bragg: Day Into Night
The Micragirls: Feeling Dizzy Honey

Updates? uh well.. there will be some updates someday. Tuesday or wednesday would be a decent guess.

Take care

APRIL 28, 2007

2 am

News updated (Ben's Diapers)

I've been way too lazy. Well I've tried to write reviews during the nights, but because it just didn't seem to be working out, I just bought more records instead. I try to be a better boy next week.

I did order that Jason Falkner disc today. The price was quite reasonable at least from Something like 17-18 euros including postage. Probably the upcoming US version would have been slightly cheaper, but this was a fair price as well. And at least I will get it sooner now. Really looking forward to it eventhough everyone on the audities list have not been that impressed. However, based on the myspace tunes I'm quite confident that I will love it.

Jason Falkner at myspace

This week I've been mostly listening to:

Sweatmaster: Animal
Sister Flo: The Healer
Nelson Bragg: Day Into Night
Paul Williams: Someday Man
Dropkick: Turning Circles
Primary 5: Go
Daniel Wylie: High Cost Of Happiness
Josh Fields: S/T

Tomorrow Janne Laurila solo concert at Kerttu. Oh how I've missed those.

Take care

APRIL 20, 2007

1.30 am

I'm not sure did anyone try to fill that power pop puzzle I made a while ago. Probably not. Anyway, if someone did try and wasn't able to finish, the correct answers are now available.

Powerpop crossword puzzle
Answers to the crossword puzzle

The good news is that there's finally a new Jason Falkner album out and available. The bad news is that so far it has only been released in Japan. Usa and rest of the world will follow later. The big question is do I want to try to order it from japan or as an expensive import from Notlame, amazon etc or just wait until it gets released elsewhere. Maybe I wait because it would probably cost too much and it kind of feels stupid to pay 30+ euros for it now if I can get it for 15 euros when it has been released in the states. Anyway, there's three full songs available on his myspace

Laurila's concert at dynamo was damn brilliant. I loved every minute of it.

Take care

APRIL 18, 2007

2.30 am

News updated (Snow Coloured Kid, Valley Below, Scarlet's Well)

That's all for now.

Take care

APRIL 17, 2007

2.30 am

Reviews added (Sloan, Bob Evans)

That's all for now. Tomorrow some news.

Take care

APRIL 16, 2007

4 am

Reviews added( Wojciech, Juni Järvi)

Nothing more, just two very naiive reviews..

I don't think I'm a very supersticious person, but soon I'm starting to fear friday the 13th. When we got home last friday we noticed that there's water dropping to our kitchen through the roof. Our upstair neighbor had decided to wash some laundry, but things didn't went as smoothly as usually and a little water catastrophe was born. Well I guess he will curse friday the 13th even more than I do and in the future he probably won't be doing the laundry during this specific day.

Nelson Bragg is great.

Take care

APRIL 12, 2007

2 pm

News updated (Sister Flo, Conquistadors, Tigerbombs)

That is all for now. Some reviews coming later in the week.

Just got the Primary 5 album in the mail a couple of hours ago. Therefore no final conclusions yet, but the first impression is that it's a really great pop album. Now I need the first album too.

Take care

APRIL 9, 2007

3 am

I had a moment of madness and I created a crossword puzzle about power pop. So if you are really really bored you can try to fill it in. I don't know how difficult it is, because this is the first time I've tried this. I guess it's pretty easy if you know your power pop and pretty impossible if you don't. It's not completely about power pop though. You'll find it below:

Onechord's Power pop crossword puzzle

Oh. I love Sloan at the moment. I've finally paid enough attention to their new album that contains 30 songs. Obviously not all of them are wonderful but if I cut it down to 10-15 songs it's like the best album ever. 1/3 of it is perfect, 1/3 of it is really good and 1/3 of it is okay. But I don't think I should really complain, because If Sloan would have removed some of the songs, they might have deleted songs from all the categories and I wouldn't get as many great tunes.

Some real updates later in the week.

Take care

APRIL 5, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (Cats on Fire)

There was not enough time for Juni Järvi or Wojciech reviews, but I'll promise to write them sometime next week.

Two records I'm probably going to buy in the recent future. At least Primary 5 is a must:

Primary 5: Go
ex-TFC Paul Quinn's band. Some great songs at myspace

The Redlands Palomino Co: Take Me Home
New americana from london. And again their myspace songs are really good.

Tomorrow great bands at pikku-torre. In between these great concerts, you can laugh at me, because yours truly will nervously take some of the dj duties.

I bought the new Sweatmaster album today and it's again brilliant. Jesse Malin's new album is also really good. I haven't completely fallen for it, but it's still a great disc no doubt about it. I might also need to pick up that latest Cheap Trick album Rockford that came out last year. I loaned it from the library and eventhough I might not be totally excited about everything on it, there are several killer tracks.

That's all for now. It might be that there won't be any updates during the easter time. We'll see.

Take care

APRIL 4, 2007

2.30 am

News updated (Sweatmaster, Viola, Minidriver)

That's all for tonight. I try to get a review or two done tomorrow night.

Take care

APRIL 2, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (The Winnerys, Roger Joseph Manning Jr, Peachy Little Secrets comp.)

That's all for tonight. Some news and reviews coming up before easter.

Take care

MARCH 31, 2007

3.20 am

Reviews updated (Locksley, Someloves, Red Button)

I thought it will take a whole lot of time to get the band section done, so I better start reviewing or I drown into the review pile. Roger Joseph Manning Jr and Peachy Little Secrets -compilation reviews will follow in a day or two, because they are basicly ready. Just going quickly through these albums. I also try to get Wojciech, Cats On Fire and Juni Järvi reviewed before easter.

New Fountains of Wayne scored 3.0 points at pitchfork. Well no worries, because I don't really trust pitchfork when it comes to major label pop albums. I also went to see the movie Music & Lyrics a week ago and I really enjoyd it. And this I mention because FoW's Adam had written the music for the movie. I suppose it's safe to warn you that I actually do like several romantic comedies starring Hugh Grant. So it wasn't that surprising that I liked the movie...

What else. Well nothing else. I'll add more reviews probably on sunday night. Tomorrow it's time for football and Boomhauer.

Take care

MARCH 29, 2007

2 am

News updated (Sister Flo, Plane Is on Fire)

That's all. Too upset about football..

Take care

MARCH 21, 2007

1 am

News updated (Sister Flo, Sweatmaster)

That is all for tonight...

...except that now an hour later I finally decided to listen to samples from the new Jesse Malin album. And bloody hell. These shorts samples are just f***n brilliant if I dare to use such ugly word. I need to buy the album asap.

Jesse Malin at myspace

Take care

MARCH 20, 2007

3 am

News updated (Regina, Montevideo)

Levymessut was getting on my nerves on saturday and I didn't seem to be able to find anything worth buying. Then suddenly there's plenty of power pop vinyls in front of me and I end up picking up the following for prices between 1€ - 5€:

Richard Lloyd: Alchemy
Phil Seymour: S/T
The Records: Crashes
The Records: Shades In Bed
Marshall Crenshaw: S/T
Elvis Costello: My Aim Is True
Bram Tchaikovsky: Funland

These made me a happy boy.

I've been also listening to Malaysian pop music. The band is called Ferns and I got their album in the mail last friday. I really like them. Very sweet pop music.

Ferns at myspace

Favourite pop song of the day has been Blackflower's You Won't Get A Girl Like That. New British power pop and sounds damn good to me.

Blackflower at myspace

Fargo Records will release an compilation called Even Cowgirls Get The Blues in april. I found this out today while checking out their website. The compilation "gathers some of the best kept secrets from the female “indie folk” sphere" and it seemed so interesting that I started checking out the artists that I did not know. And I found lots of gorgeous music. I haven't even heard the names of Bosque Brown, Liz Durrett, Alela Diane, Mariée Sioux, Dawn Landes, but I really end up loving their songs. The bad thing obviously is that now I'm not sure can I just settle with that amazing compilation or do I need to start picking up their own albums.

Fargo Records Website
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues at myspace

One or two of these folk/country ladies had Alina Hardin as one of their top friends. So I also ended up on her page and absolutely love her songs. She is not on the compilation, but might even be the one I love the most right now.

Alina Hardin at myspace

Take care

MARCH 16, 2007

2.30 pm

News updated (Aksu, Lodger)

That's all for now. The band section is slowing down everything else at the moment, but I suppose I should soon write that five hearts cats on fire review... It still will take a long time to get the band section up.. partly because I haven't done more than 4-5 hours so far this week. But I don't know can anyone blame me, because I don't really get anything from it anyway.

Take care

MARCH 12, 2007

2.30 am

News updated (Wojciech, Juni Järvi, Valley Below)

Yesterday I fell in love with Epic Soundtracks. This is obviously extremely dangerous road to take, because soon you'll find yourself continuing to Swell Maps, Nikki Sudden, Jacobites etc. Not that it would be bad place to go, but to fall for these would mean again more additions to ridicilously long shopping list. Well I just started with only Epic's solo debut Rise Above, but I guess I will eventually need Sleeping Star too. At least...

Epic Soundtracks at myspace
Epic Soundtracks Website

Another addiction at the moment is legendary power pop group Blue Ash. It Won't Be Long Now is the greatest pop song right now.

Blue Ash at myspace
Blue Ash Blog

Take care

MARCH 10, 2007

Apparently it's a chaos with Internet Explorer, but does work with Mozilla. Well it shouldn't be that difficult to make it work...

...well it does look a little bit better now, but there's still more things to fix and I don't promise it will look decent with all browsers and resolutions.

MARCH 10, 2007

4.30 am

So no news and no gigs.

This time I haven't been lazy though. I've worked with the band section for the last 6 hours. I really should have better things to do on a friday night. Anyway, I've gotten this sudden burst of excitement and I need to work until I again get tired and stressed about it. It will turn out to be something similar as I mentioned in the entry below. I guess this will be better than remove the whole section. It won't be as much about each band, but it will be faster to browse them through and helluva lot easier for me to update them in the future. As a proof that I've actually done something, some of the things I did are already on the web. Just remember it's totally under construction, maybe 10% of the work is done and it's totally untested as well. Several bands are still missing from it too and I will change new photos to some of them as well. Anyway, the future of onechord's band section will most likely look something like this:

Test version of the band section

I don't know when will I get it done, if ever. Before the end of march would be a decent goal.
You can hate it if you want to, but now this seems like an only decent solution. You can of course send also your own description about the band if you want to. My writings aren't that good or informative after all.

Some news will be on the website during the weekend too. Sunday probably.

Take care

MARCH 9, 2007

2.30 am

Only added a gig or two. More tomorrow + some news.

Take care

MARCH 8, 2007

3.30 pm

Still alive. The dj thing was scary as hell for a shy boy, but I guess it went alright. If you want to know some songs I played, there's a few examples below. Not in any order, except first and last.

The Choir: I'd Rather You Leave Me
The Zebras: Science Competition
Broken Family Band: Last Song
The Merry-Go-Round: Gonna Leave You Alone
The Corvettes: Beware Of Time
Laurila: Solid Ground
The Lucksmiths: Untidy Towns
The Posies: I am the Cosmos
Sloan: Will I Belong
The Zombies: Hung Up On A Dream
Drive By Truckers: Carl Perkins' Cadillac
The Weakerthans: A Plea From A Cat Named Virtute
Teenage Kicks: Restless
Sweatmaster: The Kid
Stiv Bators: Make Up Your Mind
Minus 5: You Don't Mean It
The Only Ones: Another Girl, Another Planet
Gene Clark: Full Circle Song
Jolly Jumpers: Snowy Downtown
Richmond Fontaine: Capsized
ultrasport: False Start City
Joose Keskitalo: Kilpa-ajaja
Badfinger: No Matter What
Bob Evans: Rocks In My Head
Evan Dando: It Looks Like You
Puny: Bound For Glory
Locksley: It Won't Be For Long
The Go-Betweens: Going Blind
Tom Waits: San Diego Serenade

Some news and gigs either later today/tonight or tomorrow.

I've been thinking about the band section. It could turn out to be something like this. Well that's just quick sketch, but something like that. If there were many bands on same page and just few lines about each group, it would be easier to handle it and easier to update. Don't yet know will it turn out like that, but it's a definite possibility.

Finally bought that Winnerys album Daily Urban Times and I really like it. Wonderful power pop band from Spain.

Take care

MARCH 2, 2007

2 am

News updated (Penniless, Cosmobile)

Cats on Fire's debut album is still my biggest addiction, but Badfinger obsession continues to be really strong as well.

Cheerleaders United and Cosmobile on stage tomorrow at Pikku-Torre. It should be great. Yours truly has also promised to help the real Flava-DJs by taking part of the DJ duties. So if you don't have anything better to do, you can come and laugh at me when I nervously drop cds to the floor, spill beer across the table etc. That might turn out to be a real comedy act in between two great concerts. Well I suppose it will go alright..

Take care

FEBRUARY 24, 2007

3 am

Best album in the world = Cats On Fire: The Province Complains
Best song in the world = Cats On Fire: Mesmer and Reason or The Sharp End Of The Season or If You Must Tell Him or basicly any of these 12 tracks

I've only listened to it about three times, but I'm totally in love with it already. It's everything I hoped for and more. I expected a masterpiece and that's what it is. A perfect album. Available at least from 8raita (15,90€).

The concert at dynamo was also wonderful. I used to say that they were the best unsigned band in Finland. Maybe I should now start saying that they are the best band in Finland..

Take care

FEBRUARY 23, 2007

2.30 am

News updated (Cats On Fire)

That's it for tonight. Now it's time to go to bed and think about my gameplan for tomorrow. Friday 23rd is pretty insane in Turku when it comes to concerts.

Cats On Fire & Kissing Mirrors at Dynamo
Leaky Soles, Beacon St. Radiants & Jadecroon at TVO
Risto, Micragirls & Lemmenpyssyt at Klubi
Limonadi Elohopea & Digitaalimiehet at Päiväkoti

Well Cats On Fire is a must and because they play so early, one can consider moving to TVO for the rest of the night.

Take care

FEBRUARY 21, 2007

4 am

News updated (Matti Johannes Koivu, Blackbird, Johnny Superhero, Delicious Orange)
Reviews updated (Puny, Matti Johannes Koivu)

Badfinger is still the best band in the world
Tequila Sunrise by The Eagles is the best song in the world though..

Soon the best band in the world will be Cats on Fire. The debut album is soon out and I'm sure it will be fantastic. I'm really looking forward to it and the concert on friday (they will also play an in-store gig at 8-raita in Turku on Friday 17:00) So be prepared to read really lot of Cats On Fire praises in the coming weeks. I try not to name it as an album of the year right after I've heard it, but it might be really hard haha. I'm very excited indeed.

Take care

FEBRUARY 19, 2007


Reviews updated (Cheerleaders United)

I'll do the Puny review either monday or tuesday night, because now it's too late for that. Yes, I know. I should never promise to do anything if I can't keep the promise. Well this time I can use Pete Ham and Badfinger as an excuse. I didn't listen to anything else during the weekend so it's hard to write reviews about something else.

Badfinger. The Best band ever. I'm totally in love with them. The question is why now. I fell in love with power pop back in 1997, but it took me ten years to completely fall for Badfinger. I mean shouldn't Badfinger be one of the first obsession for every power pop freak. I bought the best of compilation back then, but somehow that just didn't strike me like Big Star and The Raspberries did. Now in january 2007 I realised what an ignorant fool I've been. It was Pete Ham's demo collection 7 Park Avenue that finally opened my blind eyes and deaf ears. The CD proved to be stunning collection of songs and I finally realised what a genius Pete Ham was. Then all I needed was a couple Badfinger albums from the library and yours truly became a huge Badfinger/Pete Ham fan. Recently I've ordered six Badfinger albums (Magic Christian Music, No Dice, Straight Up, S/T, Wish You Were Here, Head First) and Pete Ham's other demo collection Golders Green. One might think that it will be enough, but I believe that I still need at least the album called Ass.

Badfinger at myspace
Pete Ham at myspace

Too bad Milja didn't make it to the finals in the finnish idols contest. But I still like her. However, I didn't know that she's from Petäjävesi before today. How cool is that. If you didn't think that was so cool, I can explain that Petäjävesi is around 30 kilometres from my hometown Keuruu. Between Keuruu and Jyväskylä to be precise. I don't think there lived 16 year old girls who listened to Big Star when I was a youngster though. Not that I would have cared either, because I probably listened to something like Paradise Lost and Tehosekoitin at the time haha.

Milja playing Big Star's Thirteen

Take care

FEBRUARY 17, 2007

3 am

Jackson C Frank! I first heard about Jackson C Frank last fall. I was interested, but I didn't really pay enough attention until today. Today I fell in love with his song Milk And Honey. So incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking. I've listened it over 20 times today and I just can't get enough. Needless to say that today I also ordered the only album this folk legend ever released. Blues Run The Game was released back in 1965, but it still sounds amazing.

Jackson C Frank at myspace

Should I also buy Bert Sommer's album..

Puny & Cheerleaders United reviews coming up late on sunday night probably.

Take care

FEBRUARY 13, 2007

4 am

Reviews updated (Roy Moller, Baby Sweetcorn)

Well I really try to get this review pile shorter. Tonight two rather bad reviews again, but it wasn't as big struggle tonight. Maybe I can still do this after all. At least Puny and Cheerleaders United reviews coming later this week.

The band section might turn out to be just free webspace for the bands who feel it's worth something to stay there. Meaning that I don't think I will ever have the time to write much new content there and it does feel rather pointless too because everyone has a myspace nowadays and the music always tells more than silly praises from a pop fan. So maybe I just remove all the out-of-date content and either remove the pages or if some bands actually still want to be featured they could send the photos and descriptions and I would just add them to the site. It would obviously be completely free to the bands. That way I could also add more bands, but I wouldn't still add all half-decent pop bands. Otherwise the actually really good bands would just get lost in the crowd. Well I've written about this before and have never done anything about it. Maybe I someday have the courage to just kill the section. It would make my life so much easier, if I didn't need to be stressed about it all the time.

Swedish indie pop label Labrador is celebrating their 10th birthday and 100th release by releasing a compilation that contains one song from each of their releases. Basicly that means 4 CDs and 100 songs of perfect pop music. I don't usually buy compilations, but this baby will cost only 22 euros. That's a ridicilously low price for such an amazing compilation. Labrador Records is one of the best labels in the entire world, if you are not yet familiar with their catalog this is a perfect way to start. Just be warned that after hearing it, you might want to spent around 400 euros on their releases. So maybe it will actually turn out to be a better deal for Labrador Records.

Labrador Website

Good hockey day. JYP certainly needed a change and a new head coach and Risto Dufva was probably the best alternative for the job. Being head coach of JYP probably isn't the most wanted job in the world after all. Eventhough it should. Looking forward to next season after this. Matti Alatalo was a great coach for a couple of seasons, but now it was obvious that something needed to be done and hopefully everyone involved will benefit from the decision.

Take care

FEBRUARY 12, 2007

5 am

Reviews updated (ultrasport, Laurila, Ville Leinonen, Treeball)

I seem to have complete lost all my self-confidence (if I ever had any) when it comes to writing reviews. It was a real struggle to finish four short reviews that were already partly written. But it's 5 am, so they will have to do. One might think that you can get better at it by doing it, but it still it feels that I wrote the best ones some years ago. However, I still try to get at least Cheerleaders United, Baby Sweetcorn, Puny and Roy Moller reviews on the site within 1-2 weeks.

Today's favourite song has been Christian Girls by canadian pop group called Columbus. I think it's just wonderful and I have listened it over ten times today. It's on a new 7" single that was released by Plastic Pancake Records. You can hear it at myspace obviously.

Columbus at myspace

Plastic Pancake Records at myspace

Take care

FEBRUARY 11, 2007

3 am

News updated (Cosmobile, Eadweard Muybridge, Sidelines)

Reviews tomorrow. I probably won't have time before Twin Peaks, so the updates will again take place somewhere between 0.00 and 4.00 am. So you can stop hitting that refresh button.

Mostly listening to Richmond Fontaine, The Gosdin Brothers and The International Submarine Band (I didn't even know that Sundazed had released Safe at Home on cd, but then I saw it at the library, loaned it and after listening to it once, I ordered a copy for myself too. Okay, it isn't as perfect Gram Parsons' later works, but it's still pretty damn good.)

Take care

FEBRUARY 6, 2007

2.30 am

No updates. Just craptalk.

Superbowl wasn't so great after all. Probably the worst game in the playoffs. The first quarter was amazing, but after that it was all downhill.

Then some good stuff. Richmond Fontaine's new album Thirteen Cities was released yesterday. After seeing their new music video, it was quite easy decision to order the album. Okay, I would have ordered it no matter what because I have their two previous albums and I love them a lot. Nowadays The frontman Willy Vlautin is not just a songwriter, his novel is out and available as well. A marvellous band.

That Richmond Fontaine video at youtube

(doesn't Willy Vlautin look a bit like Pocket Knife when he sings in that video)

Richmond Fontaine at myspace

Because I ended up on the country/americana territory I might as well list some other country/americana releases that seem interesting;

The Redlands Palomino Co. -new album Take Me Home out in February
Lucinda Williams -New album West out in February
The National Lights -Debut album The Dear Will Walk, Dear out 27th of february
Endrick Brothers -New album Attraction Versus Love out on 12th of february
Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter -New album out on feb 6th

That's all for now. More reviews coming up during the week, but don't know when.

Take care

FEBRUARY 5, 2007

1 am

Reviews updated (Hotel Alexis, The Dance, Supernova Crush)

Next week's goal is to finish at least Cheerleaders United, Treeball, ultrasport and Laurila reviews. Maybe more if I have the time.

David & The Citizens is not coming to Finland, if you didn't know it already. Apparently they,ve broken up. It's a huge shame. but at least here in Turku we'll have a good concert with two great local groups Ben's Diapers and Beacon St. Radiants filling in.

This weekend's addiction is Locksley. Beatles mixed with modern garage rock they say themselves. Sounds about right. At first I thought I should hate them, but soon realized that I can't. The songs It Won't Be For Long and All of The Time don't offer anything new, but I'm hooked and I can't stop listening to them. Last night I was writing some review sketches until 5 am and like that wasn't long enough, I ended up listening to their myspace songs until it was 5.40 am. I need the album and I did order it.

Locksley at myspace

Now it's time for Super Bowl.

Take care

FEBRUARY 2, 2007

4 am

No reviews yet, but I started working on The Dance, Supernova Crush, Cheerleaders United, Ville Leinonen, ultrasport, Treeball and Laurila reviews. Some are almost done, some just sketches with few lines at this point. At least a couple of them will be on the website before the end of the week, but not all because it will be a quite busy weekend with Flavour of the month club on friday, superbowl on sunday and plenty of football in between. Hockey season seems to be pretty much over though.

The new Hotel Alexis album is not an instant killer, but I'm definitely starting to fall in love with it. A really fine album.

I've been watching finnish Idols more than I should have. Maybe it's because I have a favourite. My favourite is obviously Milja Mäkelä and the reason is youtube videos where she makes cover versions of Big Star's Thirteen and Kangaroo (some other good stuff like Elliot Smith, Jeff Buckley too). Maybe it's stupid, but I do love the fact that a 16-17 year old Idols contestant knows such a great band. She was quite terrible during the theater weekend though, but I still like her. How could I not after this Thirteen cover:

Milja playing Thirteen at youtube

Take care

FEBRUARY 1, 2007

4 pm

News updated (Snow Coloured Kid)

I'm gonna start writing some reviews tonight. I won't promise that they will be on the site tonight though. But at least a couple tiny reviews should be here before the end of the week.

That's all for now.

Take care

JANUARY 20, 2007

1 am

News updated (Puny, Uwssoc, The Dance)
Few gigs added

More myspace recommendations, I've listened to these for a while, but I don't think I've praised them here.

Butcher Boy (myspace)

Glasgow pop band whose debut album will create some buzz among indie pop fans in a few months time. Actually you can already buy the album from the label's website eventhough it's not yet officially available.

The Electric Pop Group

Well these swedish popsters certainly have that field mice/tbs thing covered. But it's not just that. It's just wonderful pop music and The Electric Pop Group is yet another wonderful swedish pop band.

The Winnerys (myspace)

Did it get sickeningly sweet and cute. Well let's throw in some power pop and some psychedelia. My knowledge about new powerpop is way too poor at the moment, but The Winnerys from Spain seems like a really interesting one. I'm not so excited about the songs they have on myspace, but you can hear the latest album on their myspace are there are some truly fantastic powerpop songs. And how can that vocalist sound so much like Paul McCartney occasionally.

The Winnerys Website

Well that's enough of pointless recommendations for tonight. I'm a bit sleepy tonight. Back within a couple of days. Some reviews coming later this week.

Take care

JANUARY 29, 2007

3 am

News updated (New Maps, Astrid Swan)

Just quick news bits. More news during the upcoming week. I definitely try to get that review thing back on track as well. The band section ..uh..well..I don't know ..maybe never.

I've been addicted to myspace again. Latest obsessions are for example:

The Red Button

Nothing that I haven't heard before, but they just do that beatle thing so perfectly that it's quite impossible for power pop fan not to love them.

Minky Starshine and the New Cardinals

Sweet pop music. Produced by no other than Ken Stringfellow.

Olav Larsen & The Alabama Rodeo All Stars

Norwegian country/americana.

Cake on Cake

One swedish girl making truly outstanding music. Album out soon.

The French Defence

I'm not sure have I praised him before, but I should have. Last night I ended up on his myspace after a few months and really fell in love with the songs. It's not for everyone, but I just love that quiet beauty of it.

Trembling Blue Stars

Well you know how much I love them. New album out in april I think and there are two songs from the album on their myspace. Marvellous stuff. Well that goes without saying.

There would be tons more, but no one is interested and I got to sleep too. More things within a couple of days.

Take care

JANUARY 26, 2007

11.30 pm

News updated (Matador Jose, Topi Saha, Imaginary Friend)

Take care

JANUARY 25, 2007

11 pm

Plenty of gigs added.

Someone recommended Topi Saha and his song Hämeentie 61 on the guestbook. After listening to it over ten times during the past two days I can fully recommend it too. It is a marvellous song. Five hearts.

Topi Saha at myspace

Wonderful Hotel Alexis has released their second album Goliath, I'm On Your Side. I gave the debut five hearts so I'm waiting this one eagerly and already ordered it. Some songs are available at their myspace.

Hotel Alexis Website
Hotel Alexis at myspace

Take care

JANUARY 25, 2007

2 am

Some gigs added (I add more during the next few days)

Last week I went to Jyväskylä to watch the games against Saipa and Kalpa. Two really poor performances and it certainly looks like JYP's season will soon be over. Hopefully I'm wrong. I'm still glad I went, because even if they are not playing well they are still the only team that I love.

My current favourite sport is definitely American football, not hockey. What a thriller that Indianapolis Colts vs New England Patriots was. Just amazing. Really looking forward to superbowl after seeing all the playoff games so far.

My travel reading was Joe Boyd's White Bicycles -Making Music in the 60's and Claes Johansen's The Zombies -Hung Up On A Dream. Definitely interesting books. I kind of browsed through the beginning of White Bicycles but was eventually hooked badly when it started focusing on his days working with Nick Drake, Fairport Convention etc. I also have books about Nick Drake, Guided By Voices and Badfinger waiting for their turn. Not sure when I'll find the time to read them, becuase actually I should be focusing to a) finding some kind of job b) this website. Still I got to love Turun Musiikkikirjasto.

At least more additions to gig calendar sometime soon. Hopefully I'll find some time for other things as well. Some great finnish albums (Laurila, ultrasport, Puny, Ville Leinonen etc) need ridicilously praising reviews..

The best song in the world tonight

Gene Clark: Past Addresses

Take care

JANUARY 17, 2007

11.30 pm

News updated (Puny, Pocket Knife, Laurila, Ville Leinonen)

Maybe I should update this website every now and then. It won't happen this week though, because I have other plans.

Currently listening to these great new finnish albums:

ultrasport: False Start City
Laurila: Boyhood
Puny: It Kills You

Marvellous stuff.

Take care

JANUARY 10, 2007

4 am

End of the year list is ready

Sorry it took so long. Weekend was just too perfect. Seeing Michael McDonald, ultrasport, Pocket Knife and J.Karjalainen playing live and watching four NFL playoff games didn't leave much time for anything else.

Pocket Knife is now at myspace and album is coming out later in 2007. Now how great is that. It's so great that I could probably pick the best album of 2007 already haha.

Pocket Knife at myspace

Remember to go and pick up the new ultrasport album False Start City. You can choose how much you want to pay for it. I bought one for 10 euros today and I love it. Perfect start for the year 2007.

Take care

JANUARY 4, 2007

2 am

News updated (ultrasport)

I've been back in Turku for a while now. This week's job is to make my end-of-the-year lists. It's rather difficult again. Well Michael McDonald takes the album of the year "award" by a huge margin, but after that it's more tricky. So it might go until weekend, before it's finished.

Currently listening to Gene Clark. Maybe because of my holiday reading:

1. Mr. Tambourine Man -The Life and Legacy of Byrds' Gene Clark
2. Big Star -The Short Life, Painful Death, and Unexpected Resurrection of the Kings of Power Pop

Take care

DECEMBER 20, 2006

2.30 am

News Updated (Cats On Fire, Baby Sweetcorn)

This might have been the last update before christmas. So happy holidays and lots of love for everyone.

Glaswegian(?) pop band All My Friends have also written a great christmas song called No One Should Be Sad at Christmas Time. You can hear it on their myspace. It's a really great band too. My girlfriend has their not yet released album and I love it almost as much as she does. All My Friends EP should be out on Tragadiscos early 2007.

All My Friends at myspace

Big People's Piece for Christmas still remains my own favourite christmas tune. You can blame Miettinen for that one. There's no christmas without that song.

Take care

DECEMBER 19, 2006

3.30 am

Reviews updated (Michael McDonald, Linus of Hollywood, Julian Nation)

Meant to do some news too, but it got too late. Some of those the tomorrow night I believe.

What a struggle it was to get that Michael review done. It didn't turn out to be a very good one. But I love the album. I guess that's what counts in the end.

Tomorrow something else

Take care

DECEMBER 15, 2006

3 am

I guess I meant the next weekend in the previous entry. I'm so useless. Well shygypsy's farm game has to take some of the responsibility. I do not recommend it. I just wasted two days (almost completely) because of that addictive piece of crap. And it's not that I didn't have anything better to do. I just couldn't stop.

Some reviews still coming before christmas. That pointless and way too large end of the year list in early january I think. Not that anyone is waiting for it.

Current favourite records:

Cheerleaders United: Motorcade City
Baby Sweetcorn: New Low
Treeball: I Dream of Eclectic Sheep
Jenny Lewis With the Watson Twins: Rabbit Fur Coat

Australian tunesmith Joe Algeri writes a christmas song every year and release it on his website. This year's song is called All I Want For Xmas (is Cindy Brady) and you'll find it from myspace too. It's another really good one, eventhough I Saw Santa With a Gun remains as my favourite. Because Joe Algeri is a huge star in Finland, you don't need bigger introductions. Just go and download the song.

Joe Algeri Website
Joe Algeri at myspace

This next one also rocks. Well it doesn't rock actually. But it's beautiful and wonderful. It's Cake on Cake from Sweden

Cake on Cake at myspace

Take care

DECEMBER 8, 2006

9.30 pm

News updated (Michael McDonald, Treeball, Baby Sweetcorn, ultrasport, Laurila, Ethel)

Just some news bits. I think I might have forgetten some, but at least there's something that has happened during the last month. Something more later during the weekend, because soon starts DIG documentary on yle teema and I want to see that one.

Take care

DECEMBER 5, 2006

5 pm

Finally I'm back on the net. So it's quite likely that something will start happening here later this week.

Currently listening to:

Michael McDonald: Finally (I really love this one)
Mid-State Orange: Odds
Linus of Hollywood: Triangle
Portastatic: Be Still Please

Anyway. That's all for now. Back within a couple of days.

Take care

NOVEMBER 18, 2006

2 am

Pipas will play a concert also in Turku. The date will be 25th of november and the place is dynamo. Support act in Turku will be wonderful Action Biker from Sweden. Huge thanks to Les Yper Sound Club for this. So don't miss these concerts and go to see the ever lovely Pipas either to Helsinki or to Turku. Or go to both..

Other than that.

No updates, just craptalk.

Turku has treated me kindly. Now I'm back at Keuruu to collect the stuff (mostly records of course) that I wasn't able to fit into my car when I first moved to Turku two weeks ago.

They've promised that we'll have an internet connection in the new apartment in early december. I have no idea about the exact time, but I believe it's safe to say that will be back at least before christmas. Hopefully in very early december, because I'm a really bad net addict.

When it comes to music I'm currently in love with:

Michael McDonald: Finally

This is Michael's solo album that has not been released yet. And oh my! Someone has to release this. If I had a label, I definitely would. It's amazingly beautiful pop album. Now the only question remains is that whether I should put this into my best albums of the year 2006 list because it's not yet officially out. This would go easily to my top 10 for the year. I'm in love.

Michael McDonald at myspace

Math and Physics Club: S/T

This was just as great as I thought it would be. Perfect "Lucksmithsian" indie pop.

Julian Nation: We Are All Writers

19-year old australian boy has written a really lovely indie pop record. Truly enjoyable and contains several wonderful songs. A bit of Magnetic Fields and Jens Lekman maybe. And lots of other swedepop. The amazing title track brings the greatness of Airliner and Chasing Dorotea to my mind.

J. Karjalainen: Lännen-Jukka

I believe the hype. This is indeed a really great record.

That's all for now.

Take care

OCTOBER 31, 2006

2 am

News updated (Cheerleaders United, Mikael H, Baby Sweetcorn)

Just some november release news, because I probably won't be able to update then. There might be more releases coming up, but those are the ones I remembered right now.

I'm pretty much ready to leave this apartment and Jyväskylä behind. There's nothing more here than a computer, stereo set and TV on a floor. Just a little bit of cleaning left for tomorrow. Then it's time to return the keys and go to see one last JYP home game (oh how I will miss those) before I drive to Keuruu on tuesday night. Then on thursday it's time to move to Turku (if the weather is ok, I won't drive if there's a snowstorm or something).

As I've said before, I don't know when returns. I hope it will be only a matter of weeks not months. But I'm sorry to say that it will definitely return, eventhough you might notice that you don't really need it all.

New releases that are probably great:

Math and Physics Club's debut album
Norfolk & Western's new album
New Pas/Cal -EP
CD86 2cd compilation
En Kärleks Historia -Svensk Indie compilation

And don't forget Jon Auer / Lasse Kurki concerts in early november. That should be a perfect tour. Don't forget Pipas either. They are fabulous.

But I believe this will have to be it for now. This is almost getting painful, because of my not so ergonomic position. I don't recommend lying on a floor and typing. This doesn't seem to be very comfortable in the long run. will eventually return. Hopefully it will then be a little bit better. It needs to be a lot better, but even a little bit better would be a step forward. Until then, lots of love, kisses and hugs.

Take care

OCTOBER 28, 2006

3 am

Hurray! Now my HB-Betoni career is over. It wasn't fun while it lasted, but I guess it had some positive sides too. It gave me the money to buy records, haha. And well with these saving it's much easier to take the jump to Turku without knowing anything what I will do there. Still maybe I need to cut down the record shopping a bit, because if I don't get a job, I might be without any income for three months. But I can survive that too. So there's no worries at all.

You haven't seen much updates. Working in an evening shift, cleaning the apartment and packing things have taken all of my time. It's amazing how huge amount of useless junk you can store in an 20,5 m2 apartment. It will take at least the weekend to get all done. If I get things done by monday, I try to make one update before I leave this apartment on tuesday. First off to Keuruu and then probably on 2nd of November to Turku. Looks like Turku will give me a nice welcoming becauce there's Les Yper Sound Club on friday (Hormones in Abundance, Starflower) and Flavour of the Month on saturday (Marian Valinta, Witherspoon, Jyrki Martian).

Some incredibly kind people have sent me promos in the past. If you for some weird reason plan to do so in the future, do notice that snail mail address obviously changes too. So please do not send any promos to the address in Jyväskylä. The new address is on the contact page. This alert is not needed though, because of the way things have been lately I do not deserve any promo copies.

There will probably be one more update before I leave. After that I don't know anything. It depends on when we will have an internet connection in the new apartment. I try to get it sorted out as soon as possible, but I guess it will take at least some weeks. But I'm sorry to say that will definitely return..

Take care

OCTOBER 22, 2006

3 am

Reviews updated (Pipas, T. Toiviainen & Treble, Sparklehorse)

That's all for tonight. I still try to get some reviews and news done before my move to Turku. But I do have to work 8 hours a day + pack things and get rid of stuff I won't be needing in Turku. So there won't be a lot of time for this anymore.

Take care

OCTOBER 21, 2006

2 am

Reviews updated (Anthony Atkinson, Justin Rutledge, Magnolia Electric Co)

Nothing else. And well got too tired with the magnolia bit and that "review" says absolutely nothing about the album. Sorry bout that. At least I try to go through all these records. Probably a few reviews tomorrow as well.

Take care

OCTOBER 19, 2006

11.30 pm

News updated (IWATSW)

Week has gone faster than it should have and I haven't managed to do much. Well plenty of reviews are still coming up. I try to get them done during the weekend.

And the hockey part: Finally full three points. But still we were way worse than Kalpa for two periods and had more than just a little bit of luck in the third one. Great comeback however and things look slightly brighter now.

Take care

OCTOBER 17, 2006

00.05 am

News updated (Jon Auer, Pipas)
A quick badly written review of The Zebras' wonderful pop album

That is all for tonight. Have to wake in five hours, so it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow there's JYP's home game, so next update on wednesday probably. Have to go to the game eventhough it will be a torture if JYP continues their current form. In that case, Kärpät will humiliate us.

Good night and...

Take care

OCTOBER 14, 2006

10 pm

Still here. Back to updating early next week. I really try to get most of these reviewed in about week and a half:

Justin Rutledge: The Devil On A Bench In Stanley Park
Lemonheads: S/T
Sparklehorse: Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain
The Zebras: Worry a Lot
Anthony Atkinson: Loyalty Songs
Darren Hanlon: Fingertips and Mountaintops
Jill Barber: For All Time
Pipas: Sorry Love
T. Toiviainen & Treble: S/T
Branded Women: Cities and Seas
Magnolia Electric Co: Fading Trails
Kim Curly Band: Different Promises -EP

+ Pernice Brothers if it arrives in time.

Ok. I probably won't have time for all, but let say 7-8 of these would be fine. They are all good though, so you can just buy them. After 25th of october or so, it will be rather quiet here, because I need to start focusing on things like packing. It will take a while eventhough I don't have that much stuff. Just hundreds of records. Then on 1st of november, I'll move to Turku and I have no idea when I have an internet connection in the new apartment. I'm guessing it will take at least several weeks if not even 1-2 months. So there will definitely be some sort of break then. But I try not to be completely lazy and I try to keep writing things during the time (Obviously after the first few weeks. There will be million things to do during the first couple of weeks).

What else. Hockey sucks. Really worried about JYP's current form. 1 win in 6 games and even that was a really lucky one and we certainly didn't deserve to beat Tappara on tuesday. Something needs to be done.

But The Lemonheads. What a comeback. A really great album.

Oh and that Jon Auer tour I mentioned before has been comfirmed. Now that is great. I might need to see more than just one of those shows. A proper news entry about that early next week.

Take care

OCTOBER 4, 2006

9 pm

Reviews (M. Ward, Like Young)

Really short and really bad reviews though. Forced myself to do something despite the headache and couldn't concentrate much.

It might go until late next week until the next update. I will to go Turku for the weekend and tomorrow there's JYP's home game. I might do something tomorrow but I doubt I have the time for it, because of the game.

The new Justin Rutledge album The Devil On A Bench In Stanley Park is out now. There are two songs streaming on his new website. Sounds good enough for me and I ordered it this morning.

Justin Rutledge Website

Also out now are new Pernice Brothers, Jill Barber, Sparklehorse, Lemonheads, Anthony Atkinson, Darren Hanlon, Zebras.. Needless to say that this sick f***k has ordered all of them.

All of my favourite Ilona songs are now streaming on her myspace. The most beautiful songs of the year.

Ilona at myspace

That's all for now.

Take care

OCTOBER 3, 2006

9.30 pm

No updates

Jon Auer is coming to Finland. There's been talk about him coming to Finland for a while. I already posted that Dynamo date to the gig calendar during the weekend, because it's on the dynamo website. I'm not sure are the tour dates confirmed, but on rakarodeo mailing list someone said that the other tour dates are as follow:

09.11. Klubi, Tampere
10.11. Dynamo, Turku
11.11. Bar 68, Jyväskylä
12.11. Tavastia, Helsinki

I don't know is this a sure thing, but I do hope so.

Thank god these night shifts (and my whole career at the cement factory) are over after october. Has it always been this hard. I'm so damn tired all the time. And the unbearable noise is really starting to do damage in my ears. Or so it feels. Well only few weeks left.

Today I've been mostly listening to The Mabels album The Closest People. The Mabels is Anthony Atkinson's previous band and it's just as great as his solo material. If not even better.

Take care

OCTOBER 2, 2006

9.30 pm

News updated (ultrasport in sweden)

That is all.

Take care

OCTOBER 1, 2006

9.30 pm

Gigs updated
Reviews updated (The Royal Piss)

Now quickly to work.

Take care

OCTOBER 1, 2006

4 am

Reviews updated (The Crayon Fields, Jeffrey Luck Lucas)

Tomorrow something else. Probably at least The Royal Piss review and a gig calendar update. I have to go to the night shift at 10 pm, so I will see how much I manage to do before that.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 28, 2006

11.30 pm

News updated (Risto, Crash, T.Toiviainen & Treble)

It's been a busier week than I thought. But more updates (gig calendar, news, reviews) during the weekend. It might go until sunday. Don't know yet.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 24, 2006

11 pm

News updated (new songs from different bands, Ninetynine, Kim Curly, Nynnyklubi)
not yet Pipas news eventhough it seems that they are indeed coming, yee-haw
Reviews updated (Jolly Jumpers, Voxtrot, Mark Pickerel)

More news and more reviews + finally a gig calendar update coming during the week. Yeah, I know, the band section. Someday...

What else. Apparently there's also Justin Rutledge album coming out on 3rd of october. At first I wasn't even happy. This release schedule is insane or I just have way too many bands that I love. But I guess it's only a good thing. New Lemonheads, Pernice Brothers, Sparklehorse, Justin Rutledge, Darren Hanlon, Jill Barber, Anthony Atkinson and The Zebras within a week or two just feels a bit too much. Not forgetting finnish stuff like Risto and The Crash.

Anyway, that's it for now. I try to be active during the next month. I will pack my bags and move to Turku in the beginning of november. So after october there will be a little break to get all things sorted out. And it's very likely that at some point I will be without an internet connection for a while (if the new apartment doesn't have an internet connection). But maybe that will then be a perfect time to work with the band section. But this thing will definitely slow down temporarily in november. But I think in the end, will benefit from the moving. Ok, then I'm probably happier and have a life, but I take that as a good thing. Maybe I learn to write about happy music and not just about this miserable shit I nowadays listen to... haha.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 22, 2006

1 pm

Just a quick review before work.

T.Toiviainen & Treble: S/T

Ihan törkeän hyvä levy.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 22, 2006

2 am

Pipas to Finland. Well at least Pipas website and Pipas myspace says so. Perhaps I should wait official confirmation from Marsu on Paras before getting too excited. I heard that they were trying to bring Pipas to Finland after The Lucksmiths concert and it's just marvellous if it all works out well. These guys deserve some kind of trophy. They've already brought bands/artists like The Lucksmiths, Jens Lekman, Hidden Cameras, Darren Hanlon to Finland. And now Pipas. A truly great pop duo. The concert date is 21st of november, place is Semifinal and support act the ever lovely Harry Hunks. This information is only based on Pipas website. So I'm not sure is it 100% sure yet. Let's hope so.

Pipas Website
Pipas at myspace

I've been working in the evening shift and have just been too tired and lazy afterwards to do much onechord stuff this week. I try to get some things done during the weekend.

Lately I've been mostly listening to two wonderful albums. Mobile Babylon by Jolly Jumpers and Post-War by M.Ward. Both are among the finest releases of the year and will hit at least four and a half hearts mark on my silly review scale. And of course I've been buying way too many records. This week I've pre-ordered albums from Anthony Atkinson, Darren Hanlon, Sparklehorse, Lemonheads, The Zebras and ordered the latest albums from Pipas and The Crayon Fields. And I still need to preorder Pernice Brothers and Jill Barber albums. And then of course there would be new Sloan and Yo La Tengo albums out there. I think I need some medical help or extra month or two to listen to all of them.

The thing that counts the most is obviously hockey and the fact that JYP has again started the season really well.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 15, 2006

2 am

No updates, only this crap talk section.

More things to the ridicilously long shopping list:

Roger Joseph Manning Jr album The Land of Pure Imagination is now out. This is obviously good news for Jellyfish fans, because before this the only thing available was that expensive japanese import Solid State Warrior. This US version contains three different songs. So if you are a huge fan, you might still need both. Anyway, it's nice that it's now easier to get the album. I'm not so sure about the greatness of the cover art, but I guess the music just can't be bad.

Roger Joseph Manning Jr Website
Roger Joseph Manning Jr at myspace

I'm even more excited about the fact Jill Barber's new album is out early october. This canadian folk singer-songwriter is one of recent music crushes and I absolute love her EP. Too bad that there doesn't seem to be new songs anywhere yet. Well the old ones still work perfectly as well.

Jill Barber Website
Jill Barber at myspace

My huge love at the moment is The Crayon Fields. I've mentioned this aussie band a few times already. Now it's definitely time to go and buy their debut album Animal Bells. The Heavy Blinkers always comes to mind when I listen to them, but it's hardly a bad thing, because it's a wonderful band.

The Crayon Fields Website
The Crayon Fields at myspace

What else. Hockey season started. Not a perfect start, but two points is quite alright. Kind of worried about JYP's powerplay though. It's been almost a joke for the past ten years and it didn't look any better tonight. And now when teams seem to be full strenght about 7 minutes per game, we definitely need a better powerplay. Not yet anything against the new rules expect that getting a penalty for shooting the puck over boards in the neutral zone is just plain stupid. I can somehow understand the rule if it would be only from the defensive zone (I still wouldn't like it), but it's just beyond annoying to get a penalty if you accidentally flip the puck to the bench. Stupid rules for stupid games I guess.

Sorry about the hockey part. That's it for now.

Take care

SEPTEMBER 14, 2006

1 am

News updated (ultrasport, Jolly Jumpers, Supernova Crush)

Just quickly some news. There would be more.

I'm still sick. I've been sick for over a week now. Nothing bad, but steady 37,5 fever that just doesn't go away. It's frustrating and also keeps you rather strenghtless (is that a word) all the time . I have some antibiotics now, so hopefully they do they trick and I'll soon be healthy,

On the bright side, SM-Liiga starts tomorrow. Really looking forward to it.

Another great thing is that I got the Anthony Atkinson album in the mail today. It's just really wonderful. This is the old one Come Home for Autumn that was released few years ago. It's brilliant. His new album is out in mid-october and I'm definitely going to pre-order that one. If you like aussie pop like Darren Hanlon and The Lucksmiths (Mark plays bass on this debut, nowadays Marty plays bass in Anthony's band), you should give him a chance. I'm a huge fan already.

Anthony Atkinson at myspace

Maybe some tiny bits tomorrow, if I'm not too nervous about the start of the hockey season.

Take care


Older craptalk


