Tinted Windows: S/T


Tinted Windows: Tinted Windows (S-Curve Records, 2009)

Tinted Windows is the new supergroup where James Iha (Smashing Pumpkins.. but the solo album is obviously the most important thing), Adam Schlesinger (Fountains Of Wayne, Ivy) and Bun E. Carlos (Cheap Trick) teamed up with Taylor Hanson. Some have been far from impressed, but I think they’ve created a great little pop album. Okay, it’s nothing groundbreaking and the lyrics won’t win the annual poetry competition, but it’s catchy and truly enjoyable pop music. Okay, it might be just whole lot of fun packed into simple, energic pop songs about the girls they either have, have lost or are only dreaming about, but exactly when did that become a bad thing. And if you tell me that Taylor Hanson’s Nothing To Me is not a magnificent piece of Big Star influenced pop music, my peaceful heart might lose its patience and show you a bad finger and throw some raspberries towards you. It wasn’t even until I was writing this review tonight when I noticed that Nothing To Me is actually written by Taylor. I wouldn’t have guessed that. I mean here we have a band that contain my two big songwriting heroes  Adam Schlesinger and James Iha and the best song is written by a guy that I couldn’t have cared less about before this project. A good lesson that I should let my ears and heart make the decisions and not be so freakin’ prejudiced beforehand.  Now where is that Taylor fan club.  I really want to join in.

In overall,  I think Tinted Windows is a really good pop record that contains some fabulous pop songs like Nothing To Me, Kind Of A Girl, Messing With My Head and Take Me Back. Surely there are a couple of average tunes that maybe feel like leftovers, but pop albums that don’t contain any mediocre songs are a really rare treat. 


Tinted Windows Website
Tinted Windows at myspace
By the way. Am I the only one or does Taylor’s voice remind you of Super Deluxe’s Braden Blake occasionally. Especially on Doncha Wanna. But what about Take Me Back? He sounds so freakin’ familiar in the chorus, but I can’t get the band and/or vocalist to my head.

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Recent love affairs with records: Tinted Windows & Alela Diane


A power pop record of the year 2009? Well that’s too early to say, but this really is a wonderful pop record. Tinded Windows is obviously the new band where pop legends Adam Schlesinger, James Iha and Bun E. Carlos have joined forces with Taylor Hanson. Self-titled debut has been out now for few weeks and it’s getting rather mixed reviews. For me it’s hard to understand why popmatters gave this 2 out of 10 and said it might be the worst release of the year so far. Heck, if this high energy pop blast is the worst of the year, it must be one hell of a year. Sure this might be just whole lot of fun packed into simple, energic pop songs about the girls they either have, have lost or are only dreaming about, but exactly when did that become a bad thing. For example Messing With My Head is just one gorgeous pop song with a real killer chorus. Where’s that Taylor Hanson fansite? I wanna join in. Oh, and when mentioning James Iha every self-respecting pop snob has to say that James Iha’s solo debut Let It Come Down is a fantastic album (for example better than anything The Smashing Pumpkins ever did, not that I have anything against Smashing Pumpkins) and please James make another solo album.

Tinted Windows website
Tinted Windows at myspace


And then something completely different. After being entertained by Tinted Windows, it’s time to let Alela Diane’s amazing voice carry you into the most beautiful surroundings. Be still and be captivated. Alela Diane is a true great among folk artists. She has found some masterful way to make this highly artistic music be so easily accessible. As you well know, I’m a rather simple boy (that Tinted Windows praising being a good example) and my problem with folk chanteusses often is that eventhough I appreciate the artistic value of it, I just find myself getting bored in the long run. Joanna Newsom is a prime example. As much as I would like to love her, I just have to admit that I don’t. But Alela Diane. I love her. That acoustic beauty of the songs. Those amazing vocal melodies. Like hugs wrapped around your heart. To Be Still. Alela Diane. An incredible album.

Alela Diane at myspace

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