The JAC – Faux Pas

The JAC released their debut album in early august and therefore it’s about time to write a few words about this pop phenomenon. The man behind The JAC is Joe Algeri who plays every instrument on the album and has also recorded and mixed the whole thing. Previously Joe Algeri has also delivered great pop tracks with Jack & The Beanstalk and The Britannicas, but now it’s time for another solo adventure. Joe Algeri creating an album in his home studio without any kind of supervision certainly could lead to a catastprophe, but he is able to pull it off rather wonderfully. It’s not too all-over-the-place even though Faux Pas is a playful pop album where anything can happen. Actually things like 60’s pop, garage rock, punk pop, psych pop weirdness and all-around goofyness fit quite well under the same roof. The JAC also showcases a slightly grittier version of Joe Algeri, but it won’t be enough to banish the pop fans from his backyard. We can tolerate a bit of rock’n’roll, because Joe still has that great melodic sense. This is Truly Julie & Terry. Stream/buy the whole thing at

The JAC at bandcamp
The JAC at Facebook

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