Marty The Random Guy & Devil Box

After writing that Patrick Sweany review I thought I make this a blues night here at and quickly wrote about a couple of somewhat blues-related great artists that have gotten criminally little amount of love on this blog even though I really like both of them.


Marty The Random Guy is a blues/country/rock singer-songwriter from Turku and have played some great concerts around here. I’m not sure how well-known he is elsewhere, because I don’t really follow the roots music circle too well. Anyway, at least he should-be-well-known everywhere, because he is pretty damn good. He released a wonderful little disc called Hooks a couple years back. It’s got some fantastic stuff on it. I especially like the country-flavoured tunes, because that’s closer to my taste. However, the blues stuff is also pretty convincing. I hope he manages to release some new stuff soon. You can check out songs from Hooks at myspace, if you aren’t already completely fed up with that site. Below is a pretty new live clip courtesy of Telmu RY.


Marty The Random Guy at Facebook
Marty The Random Guy at myspace
Marty The Random Guy Website

Marty photo by Sandra Nyberg.


Devil Box has to do something right, because they are able to make instrumentals that I do enjoy. That’s a tough task, because usually I hate those things. Vocals and harmony vocals are by far the most important instrument to me and Devil Box have none of them. But they do have as much style and substance as Chazz Michael Michaels and are able create pretty magical bluesy instrumentals. I think some kind of release is coming up soon, but meanwhile you can listen to them at Soundcloud. Here’s one sample entitled (Gonna Be a) Feast On the Patio. You’ll find a couple more if you hit that soundcloud link.

[soundcloud url=”″]
The Devil Box at Soundcloud
The Devil Box at Facebook

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