I Was A King – You Love It Here

Alert! Perfect pop music! It’s 11.45 pm and I have a ten hour work day coming up tomorrow. So I’ll keep things short and pretty much just repeat what I said on twitter a day or two ago. If you love pop music, you need to hear the new I Was A King album You Love It Here. Norwegians Frode Strømstad, Anne Lise Frøkedal, Ole Reidar Gudmestad have created an amazing pop album with the help of Norman Blake and Robyn Hitchcock. This is a world class pop album. Excellent songwriting, truly stunning vocals. Now that’s how you sing. I hope my physical copy arrives from Norway sometime soon. Meanwhile I have to settle for Spotify. But someone really has to release this outside Norway. This is way too perfect to remain as a secret. Five hearts for sure. This is the wonderful opener Frozen Disease. The rest of the album is equally magnificent.


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