Year 2011 Round Up Part 3: A.Mattsson, Sloan, Jonny, Fountains of Wayne, D.Myhr, T.Keene, M.Sweet, M. Viola

On with the highlights of the year. And this time finally some pop songs (even though I will get back to folk and country sooner or later). Let’s start with the big boys and power pop wizards who have written awesome pop music for years.

Andreas Mattsson – AA from the album Kick Death’s Ass


Jonny – Candyfloss from the album Jonny


Sloan – Unkind from the album Double Cross


Fountains Of Wayne – A Road Song from the album Sky Full Of Holes


David Myhr – Looking For a Life from the upcoming album Soundshine


Tommy Keene – Deep Six Saturday from the album Behind The Parade


Matthew Sweet – She Walks The Night from the album Modern Art

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Mike Viola – Get You Back from the album Electro De Perfecto

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Video of the Day #64: David Myhr

Swedish David Myhr from The Merrymakers is going solo. That sounds pretty exciting to me, because both The Merrymakers albums are heralded as power pop classics in this household (and probably in almost every household where 90’s power/guitar pop is a big deal). I’m still a little ashamed that I failed to post David’s debut single Got You Where He Wanted that came out in march, but let’s make amends by posting this second single Looking For A Life that came out about a week ago. Such a marvelous pop song. The lyrics to this beauty were written by the Swedish pop guru Andreas Mattsson (ex-Popsicle who released a great solo album earlier in 2011). Check out the song below. You can download it for free, if you become his fan at Facebook. The solo album should be out sometime in the fall.


David Myhr Website
David Myhr at Facebook

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