Video of the Day #52: Bahamas

Well this one is a song of the day, because there’s no moving pictures. Bahamas is Finnish-Canadian Afie Jurvanen from Toronto. His debut album Pink Strat came out back in 2009, but I just recently found him thanks to his great Daytrotter session. Hockey season is in the playoff stage and therefore a song called Hockey Teeth fits the bill perfectly even though the song doesn’t actually have much to do with hockey. The song is magnificent and his voice reminds me a bit of M.Ward. Well done Mr. Jurvanen.


Bahamas at Facebook

Update: Just noticed that Brushfire Records will release Pink Strat in the US on april 19th and a new album should follow in the fall. So things look good for Bahamas and so they should be, because he seem to be a fabulous singer-songwriter.

Update #2:The earlier video has been removed, so I changed this to the live video of the same song. This one is again from the wonderful Southern Souls website.

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