Video of the Day #2: Darren Hanlon

Australian singer-songwriter Darren Hanlon has a new album entitled I Will Love You At All. I think it’s already out in Australia and in september Yep Roc will release it in the states. Darren Hanlon is a fantastic songwriter and I can fully recommend his whole back catalogue as well. This is a guy who can write a moving pop song about a kickstand or make squash sound like the most beautiful game ever. The first single of the album is All These Things. The song is wonderful and this music video is so adorable and beautiful. The best music video I’ve seen all year.


Darren Hanlon Website
Darren Hanlon at myspace

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Video of the Day: The Sugar Stems

A whole lot of pop fun for a change. Thankfully I’m not totally lost in the country zone and pop music can still make me excited. First I “only” liked this, but after a couple of listenings I’m already loving it. It’s The Sugar Stems from Milwaukee and their debut album has just been released. I think I need to buy it..


The Sugar Stems at myspace

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