Top of the week 26

Time for the most useless lists of the week aka the things I loved during the week.


1. Dinosaur Jr: Farm
No reason to change a good concept. It sounds oh so familiar and it’s a great album.

2. The Lemonheads: Varshons
I love The Lemonheads, but I’ve got to admit that this cover album isn’t very good as a whole. It has its moments like the opener I Just Can’t Take It Anymore, but there just isn’t enough great material for an album. It’s not terrible and one could gather up a very good cover ep out of the material, but it’s still a very dissapointing release.

3. Kiss: Kiss / Dressed To Kill / Destroyer / Love Gun
Kiss addiction didn’t go away in a week.

4. Radio City: Class of ’77
This lost power pop gem is still on the playlist.

5. College Fall: 2009 European Tour EP
A tour EP that also contains a few tracks from their upcoming album.


1. The Avett Brothers: I and Love and You
2. The Lemonheads: I Just Can’t Take It Anymore
3. Kiss: Strutter
4. Duke & The King: If You Ever Get Famous
5. Dinosaur Jr: Over It

According to I’ve listened to I and Love and You 54 times so far. It seems I’m rather excited about the upcoming The Avett Brothers album. It’s again a really great song eventhough I don’t think that it’s is even close to reaching my imaginary top 5 songs by The Avett Brothers list.

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Top of the Week 25


2-4. KISS: Dressed to Kill, Destroyer, Love Gun
5. Jason Lytle: Yours Truly, The Commuter


KISS: Strutter

Do I need to explain. I can’t explain. Well last week it was midsummer and I did not spend much time listening to music. Except that I bought four KISS albums and spend the sunday listening to them. The summer is usually time when I try to fill some holes in my rock’n’roll education. Believe me, there are huge holes, because I know much more about 90’s power pop and indie rock than about rock history. This education of mine usually happens by just going out and buying a bunch of records in a short period of time. In the summer of 2007 I bought eight The Rolling Stones albums, In 2008 I bought 10 Tom Petty albums. This year KISS seem to be getting the same treatment and I started by buying those four albums. Surely I’ve been listening to a bit of KISS as a teen, but I wasn’t a big fan. And well for the last 12 years or so.. I hadn’t listened to Kiss at all. So it was about time and I’ve been really enjoying listening to them. Especially that debut album seems to be just wonderful. Some of it is actually really close 70’s rockin power pop. Oh.. and Strutter. What a song. First song on a debut album and it’s so damn great. Where do you go from there if you’ve started on the maximum level of perfection. That “Everybody says she’s lookin’ good. And the lady knows it’s understood” part is just perfect pop moment. I think I need to continue introducing myself to KISS by buying at least Hotter Than Hell. Maybe some of the late seventies stuff as well. I think I’m not yet ready to move to eighties. That sounds a bit too scary.

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TOP of the Week 24

The Most Useless Lists of the week or things I loved during the week.


1. Jason Lytle: Yours Truly, The Commuter
Grandaddy goes solo and I like it a lot.

2. Radio City: Class Of ’77
Can I say classic 70’s power pop if it wasn’t released until now?

3. Cats On Fire: Our Temperance Movement
This is my favourite album of the year so far and therefore it remains on the playlist. Kind of sad that the average life for a new record seem to be something like two weeks in this household, because I continuosly buy records and therefore need to move on to new things way too fast. Thank God I’m even able to stick to something as perfect as this for a longer time.

4. Blue: S/T
This remains on the playlist as well. It’s a stunning pop album. Maybe I could remove 1-2 songs from it to make it pure perfection, but it gets rather close the way it is.

5. Samantha Crain & The Midnight Shivers: Songs In The Night
I still enjoy it.


1. Radio City: Don’t Mistake Love
2. Janne Laurila: Heili
3. Nopat: Rauhaton
4. Jason Lytle: Birds Encouraged Him
5. Bob McFadden & Dor: The Mummy

We were listening to an old Räkärodeo show in the car when driving to Keuruu last thursday and that old classic The Mummy made us both smile. This wonderful song has been stuck in my head ever since, so I want to share this beautiful piece of music with you. You’ll find it for example here.

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