One Chord to Another Playlist Volume 2

Sorry. I promise to make also other kind of updates this week. Is there a cure for laziness? Anyway, here’s another playlist that contains favourite songs of mine. It’s still only a tip of the iceberg. I could probably do these all year long and still wouldn’t run out of songs I want to put on a playlist. No need to worry though. I probably get bored within a week or two. But it is kind of nice to go through the record collection and listen to songs I used to love and still know my heart, but haven’t actually listened to in years. For example that Jill Barber song. I gave that EP five hearts many many moons ago, but I can’t remember when was the last time I actually listened to it. Now I did and I still loved it and knew every word. Maybe I should still add more new songs next time (if I make another one). Like 20 and 10. This one is similar to the first one. First 25 are older favourites and then the last 5 songs came out in 2014.

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One Chord to Another Playlist Volume 1

I still prefer physical records, but because I have this Spotify premium for the time being, I thought I make at least one playlist. The good thing was that I ended up listening to old songs that I love. I kind of never actually listen to the records that I own. Listening to new music just takes all the time I have. So doing playlists like this one might be good for me. Does anyone else care? Well that’s very questionable, but I still might do these once a week or once a month. That’s why I didn’t (try to) make a top 30 songs ever list and saved a lot for later use. There’s some of those top songs ever as well like San Diego Serenade by Tom Waits.

This playlist doesn’t really have a theme. Except that these are all songs that I love. It might make more sense to make a power pop list, soul list, Finnish pop list etc separately, but sense is so overrated (ok that Finnish pop playlist might happen). The last five songs are all new 2014 releases. So it’s basicly 25 old favourites and 5 new favourites.

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