OCTA Music Weekly – Episode #118

Another week, another new music weekly.

Another year too. It does seem that breaks are bad, because I really struggled to find the motivation and energy to start again. Maybe I’ll get the hang of this soon, because I do want to continue through this 20th anniversary year. I did this first one rather quickly, so I’m sure I missed a ton of releases. I also trusted my memory far too much, because I didn’t take any notes through the break and sort of thought that I will remember what came out. There’s at least some late December album releases that I couldn’t for the life of me remember anymore. I’ll include them later, if my memory gets better but I doubt it. I think one that I meant to listen had something to do with Dylan Rodrigue. It wasn’t his, but maybe he played on it or just shared it on social media. Not the Izaak Opatz one. I did cover that. Anyway, here’s the new playlist. It features the new January 8 releases plus some stuff from the earlier weeks.

The big new album releases came from Aaron Frazer, Steve Earle and Darci Phenix. In fact, those are only new albums on the list. Besides them, we got some fantastic new singles this week from Clara Baker, The Weather Station, Dillon Warnek and Sun June. Some earlier personal favorites on the list are the singles from Dylan Rodrigue, Heather Valley (Molina cover), Libby DeCamp and Sie Sie Benhoff. But as usual, I might as well namedrop them all.

The Finnish highlight of the past weeks is Kyyhky by Marian Valinta. It’s a song that I loved madly in the early 00s and apparently I still do. One that always hits the core of my heart. Other Finnish treasures this week are the singles from Hot Heros and Janne Laurila, Icons of Elegance and Mama Longhorn.

Anyway, that is all for this first week. Hopefully I’ll do a better job next week. Now some grocery shopping, dinner and back to NFL playoffs. Love from a distance.

1. Aaron Frazer – You Don’t Wanna Be My Baby (Introducing.. Dead Oceans / Easy Eye Sound, 2021)
2. The Weather Station – Atlantic (single, Fat Possum Records, 2021)
3. Clara Baker – Body (single, 2021)
4. Darci Phenix – Bruised Knees (Wishbone, Team Love, 2021)
5. Steve Earle – Lone Pine Hill (J.T. New West Records, 2021)
6. Dillon Warnek – Good Man (single, Unsigned Records, 2021)
7. Tommy Alexander – River Run Down (single, 2021)
8. Charley Crockett – I Can Help (single, The Next Waltz, 2021)
9. Dylan Rodrigue – Forgetting (single, 2021)
10. Marian Valinta – Kyyhky (single, 2021)
11. Adeline Hotel – Photographic Memory (single, Ruination Record Co, 2021)
12. Cassandra Jenkins – Michaelangelo (single, Ba Da Bing Records, 2021)
13. Sun June – Everything I Had (single, Run For Cover Records, 2021)
14. Buck Meek – Candle (single, Keeled Scales, 2021)
15. Heather Valley – Whip Poor Will (single, 2020)
16. Sunny War – Nothing to Lose (single, Piece of Pie Records, 2021)
17. Aaron Lee Tasjan – Feminine Walk (single, New West Records, 2020)
18. Mo Troper – The Perfect Song (single, Tender Loving Empire, 2020)
19. Randolph’s Leap – Moment Passed (single, Fika Recordings, 2021)
20. Valley Maker – No One Is Missing (single, Frenchkiss Records, 2021)
21. Ian Daniel Kehoe – Don’t Stop Fallin In Love (single, Tin Angel Records, 2021)
22. Icons of Elegance – Two Coffee Morning (single, Dinner With Daisy Records, 2021)
23. Bergen – Det Jag Vill Minnas (single, Skulden, 2021)
24. The Boys With the Perpetual Nervousness – Can’t You See? (single, Bobo Integral, 2020)
25. Diners – In the New Year (single, 2020)
26. Hot Heros and Janne Laurila – Aurinko uppoaa (single, Playground, 2021)
27. Vagabon feat Courtney Barnett – Reason to Believe (single, Nonesuch Records, 2021)
28. Lyre – Season to Change (single, 2020)
29. Colby Falkner James – You Will Always Change Your Mind (single, 2021)
30. Kassi Valazza – Cayuse (OurVinyl Sessions) (single, 2021)
31. Libby DeCamp – Orchard (single, 2020)
32. Maya De Vitry – Working Man (single, Mad Maker Studio, 2021)
33. Sie Sie Benhoff – Night Train (single, Texas Forever, 2021)
34. Timbo – How Much Did it Cost (single, Cardinal Club, 2021)
35. Mama Longhorn – Black Bridge (single, Soit Se Silti, 2021)

Playlist link

Playlist Archive

Oh and do buy the vinyl/cd/download. Spotify and other streaming services are perfect for these introductory purposes, but try to buy at least the music that matter the most to you

If you are looking this after a week has gone, the embedded Spotify will show the latest playlist. I’ll just update the same playlist because a) if someone wants to follow it, they can just follow that one list and will get a new set of songs each Sunday b) so that I don’t have a trillion of different playlists on my Spotify account.

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OCTA Music Weekly – Episode #117

Another week, another new music weekly.

I’m bit early and do this one rather quickly, because I need to work on the album of the year list for the rest of the weekend. I might add something here later, because I didn’t do as thorough research as normally and probably stumble upon something I really like later during the weekend.

The year is soon coming to an end, but there’s still some big new album releases led by new collaboration album by Kacy & Clayton and Marlon Williams. Other big album releases came from Duff Thompson, Izaak Opatz (gorgeous pop-country covers), Toby Goodshank (I think this was on Bandcamp last week, but now streaming too), Zeb Zaitz, James Steinle, Desolation Horse, M. Ward, Mike Viola, Guided By Voices, Sturgill Simpson. There’s also EPs from Oly and Christopher Gold and Emma Swift’s awesome Bob Dylan cover album is now on Spotify too. I think you don’t need me to find the Taylor Swift album (which is probably really good) or the album by that guy who once covered her songs.

From Finland we have a new single from Suad and an album by Jeremy Andrew.

When it comes to international singles, I want to highlight the new Kirty single, because it’s a) great b) it’s been a while since we’ve heard her solo material. There’s also new Drew Beskin, Pony Bradshaw, Sun June, Aaron Lee Tasjan, John Paul Keith and so forth.

That’s it for now. I’ll focus on the eoty lists now. I might or might not do this weekly round up next week. Depends on a) do I have the time b) are there enough new releases that it even makes sense to do it. I’ve collected the Christmas songs under own playlist called OCTA – Yuletunes 2020. So check that out, if you want some seasonal tunes. Love from a distance.

1. Kacy & Clayton and Marlon Williams – Last Burning Ember (Plastic Bouguet, New West Records, 2020)
2. Duff Thompson – Rock and Roll.. (Haywire, Mashed Potato Records, 2020)
3. Izaak Opatz – You Look Like I Need a Drink (Hot & Heavy-Handed, Mama Bird Recording Co, 2020)
4. Toby Goodshank – Tara (Death by Misadventure, 2020)
5. Zeb Zaitz – The Only Week I Know (Who Cares, Royal Oakie, 2020)
6. James Steinle – In Another Town (Cold German Mornings, 2020)
7. Desolation Horse – Everyone Was Incredible (Desolation Horse, American Standard Time Records, 2020)
8. Pony Bradshaw – Sawtoothed Jericho (single, Black Mountain Music, 2020)
9. John Paul Keith – How Can You Walk Away (single, Wild Honey Records, 2020)
10. Aaron Lee Tasjan – Computer Of Love (single, New West Records, 2020)
11. Drew Beskin – Swimming In Bed (single, Super Canoe, 2020)
12. Kirty – This Year’s Been Hell (single, Postwar Records, 2020)
13. Suad – Streets (single, Svart Records, 2020)
14. Oly – Natural Sinner (Shy Passion EP, Public Works Records, 2020)
15. Sun June – Bad Girl (single, Run For Cover Records, 2020)
16. Katy Kirby – Cool Dry Place (single, Keeled Scales, 2020)
17. Lonny – Avril Exit (single, 2020)
18. Emma Swift – Queen Jane Approximately (Blonde on the Tracks, Tiny Ghost Records, 2020)
19. H.C. McEntire – Til I Get It Right (single, Merge Records, 2020)
20. M. Ward – I’ll Be Around (Think of Spring, Anti, 2020)
21. Jeremy Andrew – Blind Eyes (I Wanted to Touch Your Heart, Iso Pinkki, 2020)
22. Mike Viola – Creeper (Godmuffin, Grand Phony Music, 2020)
23. Matthew Sweet – Stars Exlode (single, Omnivore Recordings, 2020)
24. Radio Days – I Got a Love (single, Ammonia Records, 2020)
25. Guided By Voices – Mr Child (Styles We Paid For, 2020)
26. Ottoman Turks – Vaquero (single, State Fair Records, 2020)
27. Steve Earle – Champagne Corolla (single, New West Records, 2020)
28. Sturgill Simpson – You Can Have the Crown (Cuttin Grass Vol2, High Top Mountain Records, 2020)
29. Vivian Leva and Riley Calcagno – Will You (single, Free Dirt Records, 2020)
30. Christopher Gold – A Little Longer (Even If EP, 2020)
31. Tindersticks – You’ll Have to Scream Louder (single, City Slang, 2020)
32. Remington Super 60 – I Won’t Change My Mind (single, Cafe Superstar Recordings, 2020)
33. Crystal Canyon – Every Little Star (single, Repeating Cloud, 2020)
34. Jeff Loops – Idol of a Song (Into the Night, 2020)
35. Bill Callahan & Bonnie Prince Billy feat David Pajo – I Love You (single, Drag City, 2020)

Playlist link

Playlist Archive

Oh and do buy the vinyl/cd/download. Spotify and other streaming services are perfect for these introductory purposes, but try to buy at least the music that matter the most to you

If you are looking this after a week has gone, the embedded Spotify will show the latest playlist. I’ll just update the same playlist because a) if someone wants to follow it, they can just follow that one list and will get a new set of songs each Sunday b) so that I don’t have a trillion of different playlists on my Spotify account.

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TOP 30 Finnish Albums of the Year 2020

This is probably a good day to do this, so the year end routine continues with my favorite Finnish albums of this godforsaken year. Same deal as with the earlier favorite EPs post. First 20 in completely random order and then there’s top 10 in some sort of not-that-serious ranking. The numbers are arbitrary. Music is love not a competition. I think it’s just maybe helpful for the reader to have some sort of vague order, because not everyone is an music addict like me and have time or interest to listen 30 EPs or 100 albums and therefore might be interested in what were the ones that I loved the most. I hope I didn’t forget anything important. There’s a Spotify playlist at the bottom if you are into that sort of thing. I will however make a much larger playlist when I post the Finnish songs of the year closer to Christmas. That will include more albums, songs from best EPs and the finest singles.

Neiti Olga – Minä, aina (Luova Records)

Ninni Forever Band – Uusi yhtye (Jukan Musiikki)

Jani Matti Juhani – Jani Matti Juhani laulaa Elvistä Suomeksi (Ainoa Productions)

Jerry Lindqvist feat Janne Hyöty – Waiting Out the Storm

Bizzarro & Jukka Nissinen – Taipale Broadcast (Vol1) (Humu Records / Hillotehdas)

Pöllöt – Taas vähään aikaan (Svart Records)

Sam Shingler – Strange Security (Soit Se Silti)

Maustetytöt – Eivät enkelitkään ilman siipiä lennä (Is This Art)

Metsäheikki – Sammakko saunassa (Helmi Levyt)

Joni Ekman – Sinulle.. (Soit Se Silti)

Pintandwefall – Your Stories Baby (Soliti)

Vasas flora och fauna – Möte med skogsgardisterna (Startracks)

Maybe this one could go to the international list as well, but I’ll keep them here forever.

Hermaja – Kultasuoni (Helmi Levyt)

Joku Iiris – Joku Iiris (Humu Records / Hillotehdas / Jukan musiikki)

Guggenheim-projektz – Dersu Uzala (Helmi Levyt)

Arppa – Laavalamppuja (Arppa Music)

Joose Keskitalo – Nukkekoti (Helmi Levyt)

Bad Sauna – Olen rikas sillä minulla on teidät (All That Plazz)

A real last minute entry, because it just came out on friday. I’m loving it so far. Might become a huge favorite and push for top 10, but it’s too early to tell. However, it’s already clear that it has to be on this list.

Lätsä – Lätsä (Helmi Levyt)

I would like to bend the rules of math a little bit and squeeze this one into the top 10.

Matti Jasu – Up and Running

10. Message Field – A Brief Visit to Skull (Soit Se Silti)

I little bit slept on the debut album and never learned to love it as much I would have liked. I may need a revisit, because I think I was the one at fault there. I love this new album.

9. Robert Ensio Niemistö – Joilla on korvat se kuulkoon (Jukan Musiikki)

An excellent solo record from Robert Ensio Niemistö. This has been a bit of a slow burner for me. Not that there’s anything particularly difficult about it, but it took me a while to understand how great it is. He also released another record called Tincan Folklore. Plenty to love there as well.

8. Veli – I Am Changing (Evil Veli Recordings)

Veli was a busy man and released this beauty of album and two EPs of home recordings. And all of them are pure gold.

7. Rosita Luu – Samettisuu (Helmi Levyt)

Rosita Luu is getting better all the time. That trio of Kuollut monta kertaa, Suorat mutkiksi and Toista maata is just remarkable. Not that there’s anything wrong with the rest of this either. Such a great record.

6. The Sugarrush – High Status (Nature Suck Anyway Records)

My all-time favorite Finnish band The Sugarrush did some cupboard cleaning and released an album they recorded a decade ago. High Status is a damn fine pop album and I’m thrilled that this beauty is finally out and available.

5. Puhelinseksi – Sydänkohtaus tanssilattialla (Svart Records)

I think this is the Finnish album that I’ve listened the most during this year. It’s a fabulous punk rock power pop blast and a much needed energy boost, if the world tries to keep me down with vicious curve balls. And damn there’s been a few of those directed my way in 2020. I’ve needed this record badly and it has delivered each time.

4. Kalevi Suopursu – Yksin yksiössä (Helmi Levyt / Jukan Musiikki)

I wanted a record like this since I once saw Kalevi Suopursu karaokeshow and loved every second of it. Sweet that it’s here now. I love the whole thing, but got really addicted to the song Minä olen sinun sunnuntai.

3. Nightbird – Travelin’ Baby (Ella Ruth Institutet)

This album just entered into the world a couple of weeks ago, but it already found its way into my heart. A really beautiful folk/blues album from singer-songwriter Nightbird aka Anna-Stina Jungerstam.

2. Amuri – Amuri (Helmi Levyt)

This one was a year of the Suopursu for me. Kinda loved every project he was involved in. Highlight being this debut album from Amuri. The opening song Halla was my song of the year 2019, so the expectations were extremely high. Perhaps nothing else is as brilliant as Halla, but there’s so much to love and cherish. Kalevi Suopursu and Mikko Siltanen are both so great in this songwriting thing and what an awesome band too.

1. Laura Moisio – Laulaa kun ei voi muutakaan (Texicalli)

And the Finnish album of the year is Laulaa kun ei voi muutakaan by Laura Moisio. This one challenges my music taste maybe a bit more than the previous picks, but damn how it also cuts the deepest. Kaukana onnesta is by far my favorite Finnish song of the year and Kehä don’t fall far behind. A tremendous album and I love it so so much.

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