Favorites from the 20 Years of Onechord.net – Part Eleven

Carrying on with posting some song and music video favorites from the 20 years that I’ve been making Onechord.net. Here’s the link to the monster playlist, because I don’t have the time to write a post about everything.

One more for tonight and then I’ll start to slow down this process. I’ll never have the time to cover everything from the 20 years and there’s plenty of places I haven’t gone so far (for example very little country / americana favorites so far), but a lot more can be found the playlist above. This was only supposed to be a glimpse of what I’ve loved during the years. Tomorrow on the actual birthday I will go through some Finnish favorites and maybe something else and then going back to more normal new music recommendation.

Let’s start this one with a couple of wonderful Charlie Whitten songs. I fell in love with that Playwright EP couple years back and it still moves me deeply. The 2020 album I’m Waiting is also pure gold.

Charlie Whitten at Facebook

And of course we need some Twain, because he matters a great deal to me. Here’s a sweet LA / BMG video along with a song cut from Bandcamp. A different than on the spotify playlist, because there’s so many to choose from.

Twain at Facebook
Twain Website

Anna Tivel is one of my absolute favorite songwriters right now. She also just released a new album Blue World, which contains mostly revisioned versions of her songs. So here’s an older music video for The Question along with beautifully reimagined version of one her finest and most moving songs Alleyway.

Anna Tivel Website
Anna Tivel at Facebook

Next a song from Laura Gibson who made the album of the year 2018. This album is still everything. I Don’t Want Your Voice To Move Me. Well that didn’t work Laura. It moves me deeply.

Laura Gibson at Facebook
Laura Gibson Website

And then wrapping this with a song by Clint Michigan. I think Slowcoustic premiered this beautiful video back then and that’s how I became a Clint Michigan fan. I also love this animation by Michal Tlusty so much. Super sweet and deeply moving.

Clint Michigan at Facebook
Clint Michigan Website

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Favorites from the 20 Years of Onechord.net – Part Ten

Carrying on with posting some song and music video favorites from the 20 years that I’ve been making Onechord.net. Here’s the link to the monster playlist, because I don’t have the time to write a post about everything.

This part ten is also a Mama Bird Recording Co appreciation post. It has been my favorite record label for many years. Thank you Vincent and whole Mama Bird family for all the great music over the years. Here’s some personal favorites from the Mama Bird family. No offense to anyone not making the cut. I have deep love for the whole roster, but I can only pick a few to this post. Sometimes I’ve been thinking of stealing Grey Estates’ label of the month concept, because I love record labels and would be fun to make a deep dive to Mama Bird one month and to Keeled Scales next and so forth.

Mama Bird Recording Co Website

I’ll start with the one that started everything for me and that’s the first Barna Howard album that came out in 2012. Easily one of my favorite albums of these past 20 years. This Portland Sessions video was one of my first introductions to him and I think it’s still a great way to fall in love with his songwriting.

Barna Howard at Facebook
Barna Howard Website

Next up is Honest Life by Courtney Marie Andrews. Leuven Letters had already been onechordnet EP of the year, so I knew she was a wonderful songwriter. Still this one floored me and it still does. Also one of the very best albums of these 20 years I’ve been making this little blog.

Courtney Marie Andrews at Facebook
Courtney Marie Andrews Website

Moving on to Matt Dorrien and his wonderful album In the Key of Grey. A little bit different than the picks above. This one is more in the Newman / Nilsson territory, but it’s equally amazing. I have nothing but love for this album. This song I Can’t Remember is my personal favorite.

Matt Dorrien at Facebook
Matt Dorrien Website

Then there’s of course Haley Heynderickx and her magnificent album I Need to Start a Garden. Here’s Untitled God Song which was my song of the year 2018. I Can’t Remember above was #2 in the same category.

Haley Heynderickx at Facebook
Haley Heynderickx Website

One also must not forget Widower. One of the earlier catalogue treasures from 2013. Here’s a live take of the beautiful hymn-like album closer Almost, Always, All Yours. Just listened this album the other day and still loved it as much as back in 2013 when Thoroughbred was the song of the year.

Widower at Facebook

There would be also Denver, Birger Olsen, TK, Isaak Opatz, Vikesh Kapoor and many others, but let’s wrap this one with a song from Myriam Gendron. This one was co-release with Feeding Tube Records. Poems of Dorothy Parker set to most beautiful music. Myriam Gendron is also releasing a new album this fall and I’m 100% sure it’s going to be fabulous.

Myriam Gendron at Facebook

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Favorites from the 20 Years of Onechord.net – Part Nine

Carrying on with posting some song and music video favorites from the 20 years that I’ve been making Onechord.net. Here’s the link to the monster playlist, because I don’t have the time to write a post about everything.

This part has some of my more recent songwriting favorites. After all, One Chord to Another is about new music and there’s nothing I love more than finding new artists. One such find is D.H. Scott from Albuquerque, New Mexico. His debut album My Body Longed For the Summer is an amazing record that I keep on returning to all the time. There’s new one in the works right about now, but meanwhile this needs much more recognition.

D.H. Scott at Facebook

Kassi Valazza’s Dear Dead Days instantly won my heart over a few years ago and has stayed on the rotation ever since. Such a great record and all the new stuff I’ve seen on youtube has been at least equally wonderful. Hopefully there’s more songs and records on the way.

Kassi Valazza at Facebook

S.G. Goodman made one of my favorite albums of 2020 and I don’t think I have ever shared this exceptional live at Fame with Spooner Oldham video. So let’s do that now. And in case you missed Old Time Feeling last year, give it a spin now. Such a special record.

S.G. Goodman Website
S.G. Goodman at Facebook

And well why not wrap this one with something brand new. Melissa Carper’s Daddy’s Country Gold is one of my favorite albums of 2021 and this Western AF video is perfection. That channel is the best place on this internet thingy.

Melissa Carper at Facebook

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