Penniless – The Great Marquis (single/video)

Major news alert! The Finnish alternative rock legends Penniless are back in this ball game and will release a new album later in 2018 on Soit Se Silti. They are one of my all-time favorite bands and therefore I’m thrilled about this. The excellent first single The Great Marquis from the forthcoming album surfaced a couple of days ago in form of a gorgeous music video.

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Top 25 Finnish Songs of the Year 2017

One more pointless year-end list before it’s time to move on to 2018. Things are already looking bright on that front, because the Canadian music wizard Daniel Romano just dropped a couple of surprise full-length albums that are utterly wonderful. Anyway, here’s the final list and it’s the Finnish songs of the year. Order is again not that significant. Music is life, not a contest. Just some Finnish songs that mattered to me. A few songs that I love aren’t here, because I already had them on the 2016 list (Korpit, Spark, Work of Art and The Laughing Man at least. Korpit by Salaliitto would have been a contender even for the first place, if it had not been on the list a year before). I kept it short, because it’s the songs that matter, not my silly ramblings. I hope I didn’t forget anything important. There’s a Spotify list too, if you are into that sort of thing.

Top 25 Finnish Songs of the Year

25. Antti Alanko – Weissenborn Improv in G Minor
24. Tomi Nordlund & Syvä Joki – Syvä joki
23. Painikerho – Mä voisin pilata sun koko elämän
22. Iron Country Sisters – Bonfire
21. Hell Cat – Countless Miles
20. Laura Moisio – Keltaiset verhot
19. The New Tigers – Three Shadows
18. Pöllöt – Silmät kiinni
17. Daisy – Little Love
16. Verandan – Gold in the Hills
15. The Lieblings – Isle of Man
14. Janne Laurila ja Tuhlaajapojat – Nuolia avaruuteen
13. Astrid Swan – Skeleton Woman
12. Koria Kitten Riot – Hold on Tight
11. Salaliitto – Ollaan nuorii

10. Hulda Huima ja hitaat sekunnit – Viimeiset hetket

The new Hulda Huima ja hitaat sekunnit album is filled with super catchy songs that make me smile even during the times when the lyrics deal with darker issues. I’m extremely reserved, shy and quiet man, but I would seriously consider making some moderate dance steps if I heard songs like this in a bar.

9. Vähäsarja – Ehkä sä tanssit

The whole contrast-filled experience of the new Vähäsarja album where beauty collides with sadness and comforting can turn to disturbing in a split second and vice versa matters more than just one individual song, but if I have to pick just one, then I’ve always been rather obsessed with Ehkä sä tanssit.

8. Bone Moon – The Writer

Lauri Myllymäki is one of my favourite Finnish songwriters. Ochre Room was such a great band and so is Bone Moon based on a couple of live shows and the debut EP The Writer. All four songs are wonderful, but let’s go with the title track on this list.

7. Vasas Flora och Fauna – Min Förtvivlan

Vasas Flora och Fauna’s Veneziansk Afton was the first that didn’t make the cut on the album of the year list and that decision continues to haunt me. The highlight of that album was this melancholic beauty Min Förtvivlan.

6. John McGregor – Astuit maailmaani

I’m a huge fan of John McGregor. Joki was my album of the year back in 2005 and Maa ei oo pimee was #2 a few years later (and at that time I didn’t have separate lists for Finnish and international). I was thrilled that he finally released a new album Luota, but I did struggle with it a little bit. It’s just because of my narrow music taste. There’s nothing wrong with the quality of the music and there’s a lot to love for me as well. For example the first two songs Ajatukset juoksevat and Astuit maailmani are both among the finest Finnish songs I heard during the year.

5. Hullu Ruusu – Mikael

Not sure is this necessarily the best song on the gorgeous Hullu Ruusu debut full-length, but it’s the one that first galloped into my heart and I haven’t been able to shake it off. Not that I even want to, because this is one of those pleasant ear worms that I don’t even want to get rid off.

4. Mikko Joensuu – Pearly Gates

Amen 3 didn’t make the cut on the albums of the year list. Mostly because I’m a narrow-minded ass who is madly in love with Amen 1, but have some minor troubles with the other two. Of course Amen 3 is a phenomenal record objectively speaking, but style-wise just not that close to my heart. However, I absolutely love this last song Pearly Gates.

3. Mitä helvettiä nyt taas – Joka päivä töitä teen

Every year-end list needs a lot of Timo. Mitä Helvettiä Nyt Taas released three singles that all could easily fill the compulsory EOTY Timo Quota. I will go with Joka päivä töitä teen, because this Matti & Teppo meets Superjussi song brought the most joy to my life.

2. Lokit – Kasevaa

Lokit is such a great band and both Kasevaa from their new 7″ and earlier Blades of Steel are wonderful songs. I’m so eager to hear their debut full-length. Hopefully that will see the light of day in 2018.

1. Litku Klemetti – Juna Kainuuseen

And the song of the year is Juna Kainuuseen by Litku Klemetti. It’s so obvious and the silly indie snob part of me would probably want to pick something more obscure or some other wonderful Litku song, but honesty is the only way to go and this is by far the Finnish song I loved the most during 2017.

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