Olavi Uusivirta

A lot of things have happened lately that should have been mentioned in here. First I had the flu and then the playoff fever. I’m still suffering from the latter, but I suppose I should start thinking about other things as well and try to get this blog up-to-date

At the moment one of my favourite records is Olavi Uusivirta’s new album Preeria that came out about a week ago. This is the first time that I’ve actually paid any attention to his music. It took me so long, because I’m a prejudiced prick who just assumed his got nothing good to offer (I should be old enough to understand that being a bit famous and being on major label doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a BAD songwriter. Shame shame shame on me). Anyway, now I’ve actually listened to him and I’m very impressed. Sure the album does have a couple of tracks that I don’t like at all (Puberteetti, Uni), but mostly the songs are either really good or utterly wonderful. The album has a nice 70’s and 80’s feel on it and it just sounds better than 99,9% of major label releases. I’ll try to find time to write a review later on, but now I’ll leave you with this video. It’s the first single Nukketalo palaa. I’m not entirely sure about the video, but I do love the song (it’s not my biggest favourite though).


Olavi Uusivirta Website
Olavi Uusivirta Widget (listen to more songs)

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FOTM’s Punk Special 1.4.2010

Flavour Of The Monthissa kiirastorstain “punk-special”

Turkulainen indieklubi Flavour Of The Month pistää 1.4. kiirastorstain ja aprillipäivän kunniaksi hiukan tavallista enemmän punkiksi. Ihan tanakinta hardcorea ei toki ole luvassa, vaan FOTM pysyy leviskässään ja tarjoilee punk-henkistä ja -taustaista musisointia omasta näkökulmastaan.

Illan avaa juuri turkulaisella pikkumerkillä Airiston Punk-levyt seiskatuumaisen vinyyli-EP:n julkaissut Jukka Kiesi, jonka akustinen punk-trubadurismi haisee aidolta ja puhkuu silkkaa asiaa.

Sessioiden ulkomaalaisvieraan osassa kuullaan saksalais-suomalaista Martti Trillitschiä, joka esiintyy vinksahtaneen aliaksensa Mäkkelä’s Trash Loungen takaa. Vanhasta brittipunkista, pubrockista ja amerikkalaisesta vaihtoehtorokista musiikilliset juurensa versonut Martti tunnetaan paitsi miehenä, joka esitteli saksalaisille Eläkeläiset, myös sooloartistina, jonka musiikissa yhdistyvät Billy Bragg, jenkkiläiset singer-songwriterit sekä suomalainen melankolia.

Pääesiintyjänä lavalle nousee debyyttiesiintymisensä tekevä 1981. Nimensä mukaisen vuoden punkin ja uuden aallon innoittama yhtye on innoittunut mm. bändeistä kuten The Mob, Crass, Joy Division sekä New Model Army ja tiedossa on ennakkotietojen mukaan “lohdutonta mutta ajoittain myös äärimmäisen tanssittavaa kuravelliä”…


Mäkkelä’s Trash Lounge (GER)
Jukka Kiesi
+ FOTM DJ team plays punk, rock & fight songs
to 1.4. 2010, klo 21-03
Pikku-Torre, Yliopistonkatu 30, Turku
liput 4€

Airiston punk-levyt at myspace (Jukka Kiesi songs and more)
1981 at myspace
Mäkkelä’s Trash Lounge at myspace

Unfortunately it looks like I’m going to miss this one myself, because I’ve got the flu (or the playoff fever) and it doesn’t seem to give up too easily. Three evenings of 38° C fever and eventhough it looks like the worst is behind, tomorrow comes a little too soon.

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News: Cats on Fire & Mieli


Johanna Kustannus will release a new Cats On Fire compilation Dealing In Antiques on 12th of may. It will contain songs from their old demos and seven inch singles. There’s also two new songs. The Hague that so far has only been released as a digital single and a White Town cover Your Woman.

Cats On Fire on tour:

12.3. Baby Honey, Buffalo Bar, London, UK
13.3. Big Pink Cake, The Lanes, Bristol, UK
16.4. Pluto, Stockholm, Sweden
17.4. Oceanen, Gothenburg, Sweden
18.4. Copenhagen Popfest, Råhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark
12.6. Songs For Children, Hong Kong, China
13-15.8. Dockville festival, Hamburg, Germany

Cats On Fire Website
Cats On Fire at myspace


If you are wondering what Drowsy aka Mauri Heikkinen is doing nowadays here is the answer. He changed the singing language to finnish and started a band called Mieli. The debut album is due out on Helmi-Levyt next fall. Meanwhile you can check out some demos on their myspace and go and see their (first?) live performance at Bar Kuka, Turku on 19th of march.

Mieli at myspace

Oh and if you don’t know Drowsy the facts were these. He got a record deal from UK label Fat Cat Records as a young man and two aclaimed albums came out in 2005-2006. The music was often compared to things like Acid Folk, Syd Barrett, Smog etc.

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