The wonderful pop group Burning Hearts are releasing new material. The follow-up to the excellent debut Aboa Sleeping is still in the working state, but a new Burning Hearts EP Into The Wilderness is already waiting for your heart just around the corner. And don’t worry. It’s not there waiting for you with baseball bat and bad temper. It will only be armed with hugs, kisses, tenderness and beautiful indie pop sounds. The EP will be released by Shelflife Records on june 21st. You can check out the marvellous title track below and pre-order the EP from the Shelflife website.
Carmen & The Devil recently played a couple of shows with the excellent Damien Jurado and released a second cassette. A few copies might still be left at the best record store in the country (8raita), but if you are not able to get the cassette or have a hard time trying to figure out how you can attach that thing to the usb or dvd drive of your laptop, you can nowadays listen to some of their excellent songs on their soundcloud page. Here are the Carmen & The Devil originals Love Drove My Baby Away and St. John. Visit their soundcloud to hear their country & folk cover songs.
Love Drove My Baby Away by Carmen & The Devil
St. John by Carmen & The Devil
Carmen & The Devil at Facebook
I haven’t written much about 22-Pistepirkko to onechord.net even though it’s one of the finest bands in Finland. Why? Well because I’ve always felt that my tiny website can’t really give anything to the already well-known bands and therefore I’ve focused on the smaller groups that (at least in my dreamland) might somehow benefit from my amateurish writings. Nevertheless. It would be stupid not to write this. The new 22-Pistepirkko album Lime Green Delorean came out last week and the songs I’ve heard so far sound absolutely amazing. This could be one of their finest albums and considering their brilliant back catalogue, that’s a lot said. Time to visit the record store next week. Here’s Ufo Girl from the new album.