Video of the Day #80: Matti Jasu & The Loose Train

Matti Jasu wrote a lot of amazing pop songs for Goodnight Monsters and I’ve been eagerly waiting his new material. Now the wait is almost over. Matti Jasu will perform at Flavour of the Month on friday 2nd of december with his new band and today this cool video of a song called Fingers Crossed appeared. Fingers crossed that the Matti Jasu & The Loose Train album will soon hit the stores and our hearts. I’m 100% sure that it’s going to be awesome.


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Video of the Day #74: Samae Koskinen

You won’t get a big return, if you bet that this song will take the song of the year award here at Hän, jolla on kaikki from Samae’s latest solo album has been the biggest favourite to win that award since I heard it for the first time. Now it also has a music video where nothing or everything happens.


Samae Koskinen Website

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