Album of the Month: The Deep Dark Woods – The Place I Left Behind

The Deep Dark Woods: The Place I Left Behind (Six Shooter / Sugar Hill, 2011)

The Deep Dark Woods from Saskatoon, Canada is my new favourite band and their new album The Place I Left Behind is one amazing album. It will definitely be the album of the month and someone must release one hell of an album later in the year, if this doesn’t end up being my album of the year as well. I just can’t get tired of this and believe me, I’ve tried. I listened to it eight hours in a row at work for several days and the thought that I have other albums on my iPod never occurred to me during those days.

The Place I Left Behind is one of the most convincing folk rock and alternative country albums that I’ve heard during the last couple of years. Beautiful lead vocals, rich harmonies and warm sounds gently collide with sad & lonesome thoughts, gloomy & dark stories.. and even old-fashioned murder ballads. Sometimes I even feel guilty because I feel warmth and beauty all around even though I’m listening some slow and lonesome moment that maybe should evoke an opposite reaction. But maybe that contrast is what makes it all the more striking and captivating. Frontman Ryan Boldt has a perfect voice for this kind of music and the whole album is so beautifully crafted. The storytelling is excellent throughout the record. Whether it’s an old fashioned crime tale or a field study of urban loneliness, it works wonderfully. Basicly I just love the whole record. Dear John sometimes feels a little out of place, but as a huge pop fan, I really enjoy that lighter sound as well. The Place I Left Behind is a masterpiece.

The Deep Dark Woods Website
The Deep Dark Woods at Facebook

Listen to Westside Street

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The Deep Dark Woods discuss about the new album (some wonderful songs from the album playing on the background as well):
Note that so far the album has only been released in Canada by Six Shooter Recordings. The album will get an US / Europe release from Sugar Hill Records in october. My apologies to Sugar Hill and the band. The samples were just too brilliant and the wait would have been unbearable, so I had to buy it directly from Canada.

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Album Of The Month: The Left Banke – Walk Away Renee / Pretty Ballerina

The Left Banke: Walk Away Renee / Pretty Ballerina

Well actually this is the album of the month of february 1967, but Sundazed finally reissued it and they deserve one of those’s imaginary culture awards for doing so. It’s been extremely difficult to find The Left Banke material, because paying 50€ for an out of print CD compilation didn’t seem that inviting even though The Left Banke has been a huge favourite of mine for a long time. But now the wait is over and I’ve been finally able to buy physical copies of the first two The Left Banke albums.

Both Walk Away Renee / Pretty Ballerina and The Left Banke Too are brilliant, but if I have to choose just one as the Album Of The Month, I have to go with the debut. The album contains incredible amount of perfect pop songs. Pretty Ballerina, She May Call You Up Tonight, Walk Away Renee, I’ve Got Something On My Mind, Let Go Of You Girl, I Haven’t Got The Nerve… ah these are all classics and every pop songwriter would be happy to have written even just one of them. It’s just perfect baroque pop with great harmonies and beautiful arrangements and The Left Banke should be regarded as one of the greatest pop groups of the sixties.

For example, check out the first two songs from their debut album below. They could have pretty much retired after writing those and they still would have left a mark in the history of pop music.

Pretty Ballerina


She May You Call Up Tonight


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Album of the Month: Dawes – Nothing Is Wrong

Dawes: Nothing Is Wrong (ATO, 2011)

Oh my. Time Spent In Los Angeles and If I Wanted Someone. That’s one hell of a way to start an album. Two songs that both easily qualify to the “hey, this must the best song ever” -category. At first, it almost seemed like those two songs are just too damn brilliant and the rest of the album just can’t live up to them. Thankfully, this is not the case and the rest of the album is also mostly stunning even though those two beauties remain as my biggest love affairs.

Dawes’ debut album North Hills already featured on’s best albums of the year 2009 list, but Paste’s wonderful live premiere of this second album Nothing is Wrong was the final eye opener. After watching them play Time Spent in Los Angeles I was already completely in love with them, bought the album the next day and since I’ve been shouting their name from the rooftops.  Of course, I had been following them since the debut, but before Nothing Is Wrong they were still just another really great band. Now they are a huge favourite of mine. During the recent years, hardly anyone has created something equally brilliant from the 70’s folk rock and California sound influences as Dawes does on Nothing Is Wrong. Pretty much only Beachwood Sparks comes to mind right now, but it’s already eleven years from their amazing debut. While Beachwood Sparks flavored their west coast cake with psychedelic things, Dawes’ other main ingredients would be closer to soulful americana.. and the shelf that contains soft rock albums and even 70’s am pop singles is also within reach. The frontman Taylor Goldsmith is an excellent songwriter and I love his mellow voice. Oh and the harmonies are gold throughout the record. Jackson Browne and Benmont Tench make guest appearances on the album and it would be hard to picture anyone more suited for the job.

I kind of understand if someone thinks Dawes’ mellow folk rock is just indifferent and pleasant background music, but I could never feel the same. This is extremely close to perfection in my book.  There are a couple of songs that are nothing that special, but in the end, I love the album so much that giving anything other than full five hearts would feel more painful than watching a Steven Seagal movie marathon.

Time Spent In Los Angeles – Live in the Bing Lounge:

If I Wanted Someone – Live in an alley:

Dawes Website

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