This would fit quite nicely into that power pop section as well, but let’s keep that for the classics. Ryan Allen & His Extra Arms debut album was released in march 2011 by Bellyache Records, but I just heard it some weeks ago. It doesn’t change the world as we know it, but it is a damn enjoyable record full of short and loud power pop songs. Direct quote from the bio “finding inspiration in classic one-man-band albums by Emitt Rhodes, Paul McCartney, Jason Falkner…” might get some pop freaks interested. I know it did the trick for me. The album is also a free download on his bandcamp at the moment (that might change, I don’t know). Because it’s 3 am while I’m writing this, I’ll pick a song called Why Can’t I Sleep? as the sample song. And at the moment the answer to that question is, because I’m listening to awesome pop music.
Ryan Allen & His Extra Arms at Bandcamp
Ryan Allen & His Extra Arms Website