Top Lists Week 21

Top 5 albums:

1. Cheap Star: Speaking Like An Elephant
2. The Broken Family Band: Please and Thank You
3. Tinted Windows: S/T
4. Camera Obscura: My Maudlin Career
5. The Decemberists: Hazards Of Love

Top 5 songs:

1. Olento: Jill Nissinen (youtube video)
2. Cheap Star: You Got It All
3. Heartjet: All these 5 songs on their myspace
4. Koria Kitten Riot: Every Time We Had To Say Goodbye
5. Paleface: Traveling From North Carolina
– This is obviously not the finnish Paleface. Not that I have anything against him, but just thought I point it out that this is the american folk artist Paleface.

Top 1 most useless lists:

1. Those two above

Don’t take these too seriously. It’s just albums and songs I’ve enjoeyd during the given week. They are not necessarily in the order I would rate them as a whole. It’s just this weeks best of in my heart. And all the albums that feature on these lists might not be my biggest favourites all things considered. For example I still have major doubts concerning that The Decemberists album. Some of it is absolutely stunning, but some of it is just way too ambitious and simply boring to me. But because I’ve listened to it a lot during the week and adore the finest moments of it, it deserves the spot on this weeks list instead of several much better albums which I have only spinned a few times during the week.

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