Going back to Hobart, Tasmania for a bit. I’ve been vaguely familiar with songwriter Lincoln Le Fevre for a few years, but haven’t picked up the earlier records. I’m pretty sure I would like them, but the most basic factory job with small-ish salary does put some limits to the quest of buying all the records my heart desires. However, I did pick a download of the latest Lincoln Le Fevre & The Insiders album Come Undone that came out in July on Poison City Records. It’s a damn fine alternative when I get temporarily tired with all my beloved country troubadours and feel the need to add a little bit of energy and rock’n’roll to the mix. This is folk punk, indie rock and alt-country passionately delivered. It might not be exactly similar, but if you like the work of Lucero and Frank Turner for example why not give a chance to Lincoln Le Fevre. Especially the finest songs like Undone, Summerhat and Constellations are utterly wonderful. Extra bonus point for the Lucero cap in the music video for album outtake Useless Shit. Not that he really needs one, because Come Undone is an awesome record.