OCTA New Music Weekly – Episode #280

I was away for the weekend, but here’s a very quick new music weekly.

Long time fave Micah Schnabel has a new awesome album out there and that’s the album of the week. We also have great new albums from Tim Easton, Joe Kaplow, Kaia Kater, Ana Egge, Apples With Moya, Lightheaded, Spencer Thomas, Beth Gibbons, Martha Spencer, From Nowhere Wil and Meaghan Collins.

The Finnish part of this is led by excellent new Kaspar album and the awe-inspiring debut single from Olva. I’m kinda madly in love with that song Mehiläisille. I mean oh my.. everything about that song. One of my favorite songs of 2024 altogether. What a way to start. Can’t wait to hear more. Other Finnish gems this week are singles from Ystävät, Pambikallio, Lyyti, Kaita Itari Seppälä, Emilia Sisco and Cold Diamond & Mink and Jere Valkonen.

International single of the weeks is the new beauty from Abe Partridge & Jack Barksdale. I don’t know is that just one-off or is there more to come, but damn that’s a hell of a good song. Other early faves came from Rainy Eyes, Noelle & The Deserters, Nap Eyes, The Secret Beach, The Beachwood Sparks, Tenci… again just to name a few.

That’s all for now. Like, share, follow and all the usual promotional nonsense. That’s 280 in the books. I guess 300 is too close, but maybe after that is time to find other ways to do this. Back next week with some really special albums. Love love love.

1. Micah Schnabel – #33 Dryer (The Clown Watches the Clock)
2. Tim Easton – Dishwasher’s Blues (Find Your Way, Black Mesa Records)
3. Joe Kaplow – Avery (Posh Poodle Krystal and Toe, Fluff and Gravy Records)
4. Kaia Kater – Strange Medicine (Mechanics of the Mind, Free Dirt Records)
5. Ana Egge – Don’t You Sleep (Sharing the Spirit, StorySound Records)
6. Apples With Moya – Contact (A Heave of Lightness on the Ground, Den Tapes)
7. Lightheaded – Always Sideways (Combustible Gems, Slumberland)
8. Spencer Thomas – The Joke of Life (The Joke of Life, Strolling Bones Records)
9. Beth Gibbons – Whispered Love (Lives Outgrown, Domino Recording Co)
10. Martha Spencer – Who’s Gonna Break It To My Heart (Out In La La Land, Music Maker)
11. From Nowhere Wil – What Can’t Be Found (Texas Pearl Motel Songs Vol 2, Spooky Poncho Records)
12. Meaghan Collins – Momma’s Rules (Growing Out My Bangs, Ball Holler Productions)
13. Rainy Eyes– You Just Want What You Can’t Have (single, Royal Potato Family)
14. Noelle & The Deserters – Canyon (single, Speakeasy Studios SF)
15. Abe Partridge & Jack Barksdale – I’m Done (single, RCAM Records)
16. Jake Xerxes Fussell – Leaving Here, Don’t Know Where I’m Going (single, Fat Possum Records)
17. Caleb Stine – Have Guitar, Will Travel (single)
18. Nap Eyes – Feline Wave Race (single, Paradise of Bachelors)
19. The Secret Beach – All This Living (single, Victory Pool)
20. Icarus Phoenix – Agradecido (single)
21. Laughing – Will She Ever Be a Friend of Mine (single, Meritorio Records)
22. Smug Brothers – Javelina Nowhere (single, Mel-Tones Songs)
23. Beachwood Sparks – Falling Forever (single, Curation Records)
24. Tenci – Bubblegum (single, Keeled Scales)
25. Kaspar – Midst of Men (Calling the Waters, Soliti)
26. Olva – Mehiläisille (single, Minna Records)
27. Lyyti – Seitsemän kukkaa (single, Johanna Kustannus)
28. Ystävät – Ullaa Ullaa (single, KHY Suomen Musiikki)
29. Pambikallio – Kirsikkapuu (single, Helmi Levyt)
30. Jere Valkonen – Blood on the Tracks (single, Eclipse)
31. Kaita Isari Seppälä – Ei kun sitä vaan lahdin kyselemään (single, Soliti)
32. Emilia Sisco and Cold Diamond & Mink – Lemon n Lime Sours (single, Timmion Records)
33. Billy Allen & The Pollies – Lady Luck (single, Single Lock Records)
34. Tasha – Michigan (single, Bayonet Records)
35. Strand of Oaks – Future Temple (single, Western Vinyl)
36. TV Star – Ride (single)
37. Nada Surf – In Front of Me Now (single, New West Records)
38. Floating Action – Is the Hugeness Translating? (single, Airloom)
39. Jeff Moller – During Retrograde (single, Royal Oakie Records)
40. Wila Frank – Light of the Moon (single)
41. Jana Pochop – Down Low (single, Patient Grasshopper Music)
42. Golden Everything – The Big One (single, Rancho Deluxe)
43. Amanda Anne Platt & The Honeycutters – Pocket Song (single, Mule Kick Records)
44. Kayla Ray – The Least You Could Do (single, Real AF Records)
45. Alice Wallace – Imposter (single, Mule Kick Records)
46. Kaitlin Butts – Roadrunner (single, Soundly)
47. Jenny Don’t and the Spurs – You’re What I Need (single, Fluff and Gravy Records)
48. Color Green – Fool’s Parade (single, New West Records)
49. Angela Autumn – Rocky Doom (single, Tone Tree Music)
50. Roseanne Reid – I Belong (single, Lastman Music)
51. M G Boulter – Quiet (single, Hudson Records)
52. Jason McNiff – Chef Song (single, Tombola Records)
53. Sumie – Sjöodjur (single)
54. Myriam Gendron – Quand j’etais jeune et belle (Mayday, Chivi Chivi)
55. Josienne Clarke – Do You Know Now (Parethesis, I, Corduroy Punk)
56. Jackie West – Differences (Close to the Mystery, Ruination Record Co)
57. Jake Nicoll – All I Need (Lonely Mission)
58. Todd Farrell Jr. – Northern Lights (Might As Well Be Ghosts)

Spotify Playlist

Tidal Playlist

YouTube Playlist

A few Bandcamp cuts for the lovely non-streamers:

Oh and do buy the vinyl/cd/download. Spotify and other streaming services are perfect for these introductory purposes, but try to buy at least the music that matter the most to you

I’ll make the playlist on Spotify and then transfer it to other platforms. This means a few tracks might be missing from the from the other platforms, if they are not available there. Oh and there’s a bunch of older episodes on my Spotify profile, if you miss an episode or want to revisit.

If you are looking this after a week has gone, the embedded Spotify will show the latest playlist. I’ll just update the same playlist because if someone wants to follow it, they can just follow that one list and will get a new set of songs each weekend.

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