I think I cut the mumbo jumbo to minimum on this song list, so I can get a few of these lists done before Christmas. The songs matter far more than my pointless ramblings. Here’s the favourite Finnish songs of the list. I suppose you could argue that I’m jumping the gun a bit, because there’s a lot of songs from forthcoming 2017 albums. But hey those singles are already out and available and this is a song list. Besides, this blog has jumped the shark years ago, so I think it’s perfectly ok to jump the gun as well. Order is pretty insignificant and could be totally different on another day. I love them all and they all deserve that highest five hearts thing-y that onechord.net has given over the years. Hope I didn’t forget anything super important. I’ve been such an incredibly lazy blogger that I can’t even go through my own archives, because I haven’t written about everything that I’ve loved during the year.
15. Suomen Zorro – Anniina
14. Burning Hearts – Work of Art
13. Koria Kitten Riot – The Laughing Man
12. Vasas Flora Och Fauna – Honda Monkey
11. Bone Moon – Thresher
10. Kuningas Yrjö – Carpenters
9. Kuparilinna – Lemmestä tahdon laulaa
8. Lokit – Työttömyys
7. Mitä helvettiä nyt taas – Tässä kylmässä kaupungissa
6. The Lieblings – Spark
5. Jukka Nousiainen – Sun kanssas mä lähden minne vaan
4. Itä-Hollola Installaatio – Ystävä
3. Sur-rur – Vesiposti suihkuaa
2. Salaliitto – Korpit
1. Mikko Joensuu – Thief and a Liar