Marine Dreams – Producer’s Wonderland


There’s a lot of wonderful 2015 releases already out there. For example yesterday was a rather good day. Finnish singer-songwriter Klasu released his debut single (we will get to that in a few days) and a long time Canadian favourite of mine Marine Dreams released a new album called Producer’s Wonderland. Ian Kehoe is a very prolific songwriter and seem to release a full-length every year. I still wasn’t expecting a new one so soon, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it pop up on my Bandcamp feed and instantly bought a digital copy. I kept on listening to it for several hours today and it’s certainly another great addition to his catalogue. This man just writes unique pop music with addictive melodies. This thing is actually out of my normal comfort zone with programmed drums, disco-ish vibes etc.. I don’t know how Ian does it, but somehow Marine Dreams manages to turn things I don’t normally care for into something that I love wholeheartedly. This is Polished Stone from the new album. You can buy it as a cassette from You’ve Changed Records Website or the digital copy for really fair price of 5 CAD (or more) from You’ve Changed Records Bandcamp page.

Marine Dreams at Facebook
You’ve Changed Records Website

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