Some fabulous pop music this time around. Lately I’ve been really enjoying the new The Taste EP called Sea Legs. They are a Toronto-based pop group and the new EP came out last summer on Reel Cod Records (cassette or digital). I just got a digital copy last week and this has been my a big part of my soundtrack for the day job at the factory ever since. Sea Legs is a truly entertaining slice of pop music. You can hear a couple of great samples below. There Will Come A Day and a music video for the last song on the EP, Happening Now.
The Taste – Happening Now from Ali Weinstein on Vimeo.
The Taste at Facebook
Reel Cod Records Website
Staying in Canada for the time being. Not a surprise there, because these days this blog seems to cover as much or maybe even more Canadian music than Finnish. Canadian rock heroes Sloan released a new album earlier this fall. It’s called Commonwealth and I’m loving it. Not a surprise there either. I suppose it’s fairly obvious that Sloan is very dear to me. This band consists of four excellent songwriters and this time they’ve given each member one side of the double album. Don’t ask me to pick the best side though, because I think they are all great. Even (or especially) Andrew Scott’s 18-minute long Forty-Eight Portraits works beautifully after the first couple of minutes. And that’s a lot said, because my impatient pop mind often argues that anything over three minutes is useless and only makes the song worse. I don’t think Commonwealth is the best Sloan album ever, but it sure is another damn great one. Commonwealth is out now on Yep Roc. This is Three Sisters from the new album.