Album of The Month: Widower – Fool Moon


My biggest addiction right now. Widower’s Fool Moon has been out for a while now, but I just bought it a week or two ago. I don’t know why I waited so long, but thankfully I saw the light now. This is going to be a last minute entry to my albums of the year list. It’s just so beautiful. Almost spiritual, because sometimes the melodies might be as close to Finnish church hymns as american folk rock songs. I find the album amazingly beautiful, but maybe it’s fair to warn that the beauty of the album is often rather devastating. Actually Kevin Large kind of rips your heart out sometimes. But even then he does it delicately and compassionately and he doesn’t forget to put the heart back in and make you feel more whole than before. I’m not sure has any record moved me as deeply as this one during the year. There’s a couple of songs that are not that special and therefore this has to settle a place in the top 10 and won’t be the album of the year contender. However, the finest songs like Thoroughbred, Grasp, Oh Catherine, My Catherine and Almost, Always, All Yours are just heavenly.

This is Oh Catherine, My Catherine from Fool Moon that was released by the great Mama Bird Recording Company on 30th of July.

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